X0202MN 5BA4 ,1.25A SCRSapplicationswhere the available gate current is limited, such asground fault circuit interruptors, ..
X0202MN5BA4 ,SENSITIVE qate SCRs, 1.25A, 600Vapplicationswhere the available gate current is limited, such asground fault circuit interruptors, ..
X0202NA ,1.25A SCRSFEATURES:ASymbol Value UnitGI1.25 AT(RMS)KV /V600 and 800 VDRM RRMI50 to 200 μAGTDESCRIPTIONThanks ..
X0202NN ,1.25A SCRSapplicationswhere the available gate current is limited, such asground fault circuit interruptors, ..
X0202NN 5BA4 ,1.25A SCRSFEATURES:ASymbol Value UnitGI1.25 AT(RMS)KV /V600 and 800 VDRM RRMI50 to 200 μAGTDESCRIPTIONThanks ..
X0202NN5BA4 ,1.25A SCRsFEATURES:ASymbol Value UnitGI1.25 AT(RMS)KV /V600 and 800 VDRM RRMI50 to 200 μAGTDESCRIPTIONThanks ..
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X0202MN 5BA4-X0202NN 5BA4
1.25A SCRS
X02 Series
September 2000 - Ed: 3
DESCRIPTIONThanks to highly sensitive triggering levels, the
X02 SCR series is suitable for all applications
where the available gate current is limited, such as
ground fault circuit interruptors, overvoltage
crowbar protection in low power supplies,
capacitive ignition circuits, ...
Available in though-hole or surface-mount
packages, these devices are optimized in forward
voltage drop and inrush current capabilities, for
reduced power losses and high reliability in harsh
ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values)
X02 Series2/6
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)
THERMAL RESISTANCESS = Copper surface under tab
X02 Series3/6
Note: xx = sensitivity, y = voltage
Fig. 1: Maximum average power dissipation
versus average on-state current.
Fig. 2-1: Average and D.C. on-state current
versus lead temperature (SOT-223/TO-92).
X02 Series4/6
Fig. 2-2: Average and D.C. on-state current
versus ambient temperature (device mounted on
FR4 with recommended pad layout) (SOT -223/
Fig. 3: Relative variation of thermal impedancejunction to ambient versus pulse duration
(SOT -223/TO-92).
Fig. 4: Relative variation of gate trigger current,holding current and latching current versus
junction temperature (typical values).
Fig. 5: Relative variation of holding current
versus gate-cathode resistance (typical values).
Fig. 6: Relative variation of dV/dt immunity
versus gate-cathode resistance (typical values).
Fig. 7: Relative variation of dV/dt immunityversus gate-cathode capacitance (typical values).
X02 Series5/6
Fig. 8: Surge peak on-state current versusnumber of cycles.
Fig. 9: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state
current for a sinusoidal pulse with width<10 ms, and corresponding value of I²t.
Fig. 10: On-state characteristics (maximumvalues).
Fig. 11: Thermal resistance junction to ambientversus copper surface under tab (Epoxy printed
circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35 μm)
(SOT -223).
X02 Series6/6
FOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (in millimeters)SOT -223 (Plastic)
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