245NQ015 ,15V 240A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-67 HALF-Pak packageapplicationsV @ 240 Apk, T = 75°C 0.34 V Ultra low forward voltage dropF JHigh frequency operationT ..
24A16 , 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K-bit Serial EEPROM for Low Power
24A16 , 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K-bit Serial EEPROM for Low Power
24AA01I/SN , 1K/2K 1.8V I 2 C O Serial EEPROMs
24AA01-I/SN , 1K/2K 1.8V I 2 C O Serial EEPROMs
24AA02/SN , 1K/2K 1.8V I 2 C O Serial EEPROMs
2N3019 ,GENERAL TRANSISTOR NPN SILICONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Max UnitOFF ..
2N3020 ,GENERAL TRANSISTOR NPN SILICONapplications involving pulsed or lowduty cycle operations.
3. These ratings give a maximum junct ..
2N3020 ,GENERAL TRANSISTOR NPN SILICONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25° C Ambient Temperature unless otherwise noted) (Note 6)
2N3020 ,GENERAL TRANSISTOR NPN SILICONELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C Ambient Temperature unless otherwise noted) (Note 6)
2N/PN2904/ ..
2N3053 ,GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR(NPN SILICON)applications involving pulsed or lowduty cycle operations.
3. These ratings give a maximum junct ..
2N3053. ,GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR(NPN SILICON)applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations.
3. These ratings give a maximum junc ..
15V 240A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-67 HALF-Pak package
€212 Rectifier
Major Ratings and Characteristics
Characteristics 246Nt2015(R) Units
IHAV) Rectangular 240 A
|FSM @tp=5pssine 20,000 A
VF @240Apk,TJ=75°C 0.34 V
T., range -55to125 "C
Bulletin PD-2.296 rev.B 02/01
240 Amp
The 245NQ015(R) high current Schottky rectifier module has
been optimized for ultra low forward voltage drop specifically
for the OR-ing of parallel power supplies. The proprietary
barrier technology allows for reliable operation up to 125 r’C
junction temperature. Typical applications are in parallel
switching power supplies, converters, reverse battery protec-
tion, and redundant power subsystems.
. 125°C TJ operation N,, < 5V)
. Unique high power, Half-Pak module
. Optimized for OR-ing applications
. Ultra low forward voltage drop
a High frequency operation
. Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
. High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
30. 40 "40_(1"9r, 197)
29.90 (1.177) C,
1/4-20 UNC-2B
19.18 (0.755)
Lug Terminal Anode
Base Cathode
t, 19. 69 (_0. 775)
18. 42 (0. 725)
4.11 (0.162) I
3.86 (0.152)
12.83 (0.505)
- DIA. -
12.57 (0.495) 4.11 (_0 102)D
3. 86 (o. 152)D
Lug Terminal Cathode
Base Anode
Outline D-67 HALF PAK Module
18.92 (0.745)
13.97 (0.550) I I , 15.11 (0.595)
13.72 (0.540) I I" “I I' 14.61 (0.575)
1 I I 1
39.62 (1.560) 2.54 (0.100)
38.61 (1.520) 2.29(0.090)
Dimensions in millimeters and (inches)
Bulletin PD-2.296 rev.B 02/01
IEZR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 245NQO15
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) 15
a,, Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 25
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 245NQ Units Conditions
IHAV) Max. Average Forward Current 240 A 50% duty cycle @ TC = 70° C, rectangularwave form
* See Fig. 5
IFSM Max. Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 20,000 A 5ps Sine or3ps Rect. pulse 2Pgigl 133% gaégd
Surge Current * See Fig. 7 3000 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse with rated VRRM applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 9 mJ TJ=25°C, IAS=2Amps,L=4.5mH
I AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 2 A CurrentdecayingIinearlytozeroin1 psec
Frequency limited by T J max. V A = 3 x VR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 245NQ Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop (1) 0.40 V @ 240A T = 25 "C
* See Fig. 1 0.51 v @ 480A J
0.34 V @ 240A T: = 75 "C
0.44 V @ 480A
IRM Max. Reverse Leakage Current (1) 80 mA T J = 25 ''C -
* See Fig. 2 4000 mA T, = 100 "C VR _ rated VR
3560 mA TJ=100°C VR=12V
2160 mA TJ=100°C VR-- 5V
c, Max. Junction Capacitance 15,800 pF v,, = 5VDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25 "C
LS Typical Series Inductance 5.0 nH From top of terminal hole to mounting plane
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10,000 VI us
(Rated VR)
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications (1) Pulse Width < 300ps, Duty Cycle < 2%
Parameters 245NQ Units Conditions
T J Max.Junction Temperature Range -55to 125 "C
stg Max.StorageTemperature Range -55to150 ''C
Rch Max.ThermaIResistanceJunction 0.20 "C/W DCoperation *See Fig.4
to Case
Rmcs TypicalThermalResistance,Caseto 0.15 "CA/V Mounting surface,smooth and greased
wt ApproximateWeight 25.6(0.9) g(oz.)
T MountingTorque Min. 40(35) Non-Iubricatedthreads
Max. 58(50) Kg-cm
TerminalTorque Min. 58(50) (lbf-in)
Max. 86 (75)
Case Style