1SV216 ,Variable Capacitance Diode TV VHF UHF Tuner AFC1SV216 TOSHIBA Variable Capacitance Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type 1SV216 TV VHF UHF Tuner ..
1SV217 ,Variable Capacitance Diode CATV Tuning1SV217 TOSHIBA Variable Capacitance Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type 1SV217 CATV Tuning Unit ..
1SV225 ,Variable Capacitance Diode Electronic Tuning Applications of FM ReceiversApplications of FM Receivers Unit: mm Low series resistance: r = 0.35 (typ.) s Small package ..
1SV228 ,Variable Capacitance Diode Electronic Tuning Applications of FM ReceiversApplications of FM Receivers Unit: mm Low r : r = 0.3 Ω (typ.) s s Small package Maximum Ra ..
1SV229 ,Variable Capacitance Diode VCO for UHF Band Radio1SV229 TOSHIBA Variable Capacitance Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type 1SV229 VCO for UHF Band ..
1SV230 ,Variable Capacitance Diode CATV Converter 1st OSC Tuning1SV230 TOSHIBA Variable Capacitance Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type 1SV230 CATV Converter 1 ..
2560A , Pulse Dialer
2576 ,5-AmpAdjustableRegulatorsElectrical CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Conditions LM338 UnitsMin Typ MaxV Reference Voltage 3V ..
25AA256I/SN , 256K SPI Bus Serial EEPROM
25AA256-I/SN , 256K SPI Bus Serial EEPROM
25AA256T-I/SN , 256K SPI Bus Serial EEPROM
25C02 , 1K/2K/4K/8K/16K SPI Serial CMOS E2PROM
Variable Capacitance Diode CATV Tuning
1SV215 TOSHIBA Variable Capacitance Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type
1SV215 CATV Tuning High capacitance ratio: C2 V/C25 V = 10.5 (typ.) Low series resistance: rs = 0.6 Ω (typ.) Excellent C-V characteristics, and small tracking error. Useful for small size tuner.
Maximum Ratings (Ta ��� � 25°C)
Electrical Characteristics (Ta ��� � 25°C) rs VR � 5 V, f � 470 MHz
Note 1: Available in matched group for capacitance to 2.5%.
(min)C(max) C �� 0.025
(VR � 2~25 V)
Marking Unit: mm
Weight: 0.004 g (typ.)