1N5820 ,3.0 AMP SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERSMAXIMUM RATINGSReverse power dissipation and the possibility of thermal use in common rectifier cir ..
1N5820RL ,3A 20V Schottky RectifierMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage V 20 30 40 VR ..
1N5820RLG , Axial Lead Rectifiers
1N5821 ,3.0 AMP SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERSFEATURES* Low forward voltage dropDO-27* High current capability.220(5.6)* High reliability.197(5.0 ..
24C08A ,2-Wire Serial EEPROMFeatures• Write Protect Pin for Hardware Data Protection – Utilizes Different Array Protection Comp ..
24C08N ,Two-wore Serial EEPROMFeatures• Low-voltage and Standard-voltage Operation– 2.7 (V = 2.7V to 5.5V)CC– 1.8 (V = 1.8V to 5. ..
24C1024 ,2-wire Serial EEPROM 1M (131,072 x 8)applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential. The devices are available in ..
24C128 ,2-WireSerialEEPROMsBlock DiagramPin DescriptionSERIAL CLOCK (SCL): The SCL input is used to positive WRITE PROTECT (WP ..
24C16 ,2-WireSerialEEPROMST24C16, ST25C16 ST24W16, ST25W16216 Kbit Serial I C Bus EEPROMwith User-Defined Block Write Protec ..
24C164 ,2-WireSerialEEPROMFeatures• Low Voltage and Standard Voltage Operation– 5.0 (V = 4.5V to 5.5V)CC– 2.7 (V = 2.7V to 5. ..
1N5820-1N5822 1N5820 - 1N5822 Features • 3.0 ampere operation at T = 95°C A with no thermal runaway. • For use in low voltage, high frequency inverters free wheeling, and polarity DO-201AD protection applications. COLOR BAND DENOTES CATHODE Schottky Rectifiers Absolute Maximum Ratings* T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Value Symbol Parameter Units 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 V Maximum Repetitive Reverse Voltage 20 30 40 V RRM I Average Rectified Forward Current F(AV) 3.0 A 3/8 " lead length @ T = 95 C ° A I Non-repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current FSM 80 A 8.3 ms Single Half-Sine-Wave Storage Temperature Range -65 to +125 °C T stg T Operating Junction Temperature -65 to +125 °C J *These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter Value Units P Power Dissipation 3.6 W D R Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 28 C/W ° θJA Electrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Device Symbol Parameter Units 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 V Forward Voltage @ 3.0 A 475 500 525 mV F @ 9.4 A 850 900 950 mV I 0.5 mA Reverse Current @ rated V T = 25°C R R A 20 mA T = 100°C A C Total Capacitance 190 pF T V = 4.0 V, f = 1.0 MHz R 2001 1N5820-1N5822, Rev. C