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Prepared by: Alfredo Ochoa, Alex Lara & Gabriel Gonzalez
Thyristors Applications Engineers
INTRODUCTIONIn lighting applications for fluorescent lamps the choice
of the starter switch to be used is always very important for
the designers: the cost, reliability, ruggedness, and ease to be
driven must always be kept in mind. This is especially
important in lighting circuits where the designer has to
optimize the operating life of the fluorescent lamps by using
the right starter switch.
In the large family of electronic switches, the thyristor
must be considered as a low cost and powerful device for
lighting applications. Thyristors can take many forms, but
they have certain features in common. All of them are solid
state switches that act as open circuits capable of
withstanding the rated voltage until triggered. When they
are triggered, thyristors become low impedance current
paths and remain in that condition (i.e. conduction) until the
current either stops or drops below a minimum value called
the holding level. Once a thyristor has been triggered, the
trigger current can be removed without turning off the
Silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) and triacs are both
members of the thyristor family. SCRs are unidirectional
devices while triacs are bi–directional. A SCR is designed
to switch load current in one direction, while a triac is
designed to conduct load currents in either direction.
Structurally, all thyristors consist of several alternating
layers of opposite P and N silicon, with the exact structure
varying with the particular kind of device. The load is
applied across the multiple junctions and the trigger current
is injected at one of them. The trigger current allows the load
current to flow through the device setting up a regenerative
action which keeps the current flowing even after the trigger
is removed.
These characteristics make thyristors extremely useful in
control applications. Compared to a mechanical switch, a
thyristor has a very long service life and very fast turn on and
turn off times. Because of their fast reaction times,
regenerative action, and low resistance, once triggered,
thyristors are useful as power controllers and transient over
voltage protectors, as well as simply turning devices on and
off. Thyristors are used to control motors, incandescent and
fluorescent lamps, and many other kinds of equipment.
Although thyristors of all sorts are generally rugged, there
are several points to keep in mind when designing circuits
using them. One of the most important parameters to respect
is the devices’ rated limits on rate of change of voltage and
current (dV/dt and di/dt). If these are exceeded, the thyristor
may be damaged or destroyed.
Ambient Sound Levels. Background noise generated byballast and other equipment operating in a building.
Arc. Intense luminous discharge formed by the passage ofelectric current across a space between electrodes.
Ballast. An electrical device used in fluorescent and highintensity discharge (HID) fixtures. It furnishes the necessary
starting and operating current to the lamp for proper
Electrode. Metal filament that emits electrons in afluorescent lamp.
Fluorescent lamp. Gas filled lamp in which light isproduced by the interaction of an arc with phosphorus lining
the lamp’s glass tube.
Fluorescent light circuit. Path over which current flows
types of fluorescent lighting circuits are in use
preheat, instant start (slimline) and rapid start.
Instant start (slimline). A class of fluorescent. Ballastprovides a high starting voltage surge to quickly light the
lamp. All instant start lamps have a single pin base and can
be used only with instant ballast.
Rapid Start Lamps. Fluorescent lamps that glowimmediately when turned on and reach full brightness in
about 2 seconds.
Preheat Lamp. A fluorescent lamp in which the filamentmust be heated before the arc is created.
This application note is designed for Preheat Start Lamp
circuit. The description of the functionality of this Lamp is
described below: