1N4004RL ,1A 400V Standard RectifierMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
1N4004RL ,1A 400V Standard RectifierFeatures50−1000 VOLTS• Shipped in plastic bags, 1000 per bagDIFFUSED JUNCTION• Available Tape and R ..
1N4004RLG , Axial Lead Standard Recovery Rectifiers
1N4005 ,600 V, silicon rectifier diode1N4001 thru 1N4007 Vishay Semiconductorsformerly General SemiconductorGeneral Purpose Plastic Recti ..
1N4005 ,600 V, silicon rectifier diode21N4001, 1N4002, 1N4003, 1N4004, 1N4005, 1N4006, 1N4007ORDERING INFORMATION†Device Package Shipping ..
1N4006 ,800 V, silicon rectifier diodeELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS*Rating Symbol Typ Max UnitMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage Drop, (i ..
23Z104SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z104SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z105SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z106SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z106SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z108SM , For Adapter Cards, MAUs, Hubs, and Motherboard Applications
1A 100V Standard Rectifier
1N4001, 1N4002, 1N4003,
1N4004, 1N4005, 1N4006,
1N4004 and 1N4007 are Preferred DevicesAxial Lead Standard
Recovery Rectifiers
This data sheet provides information on subminiature size, axial
lead mounted rectifiers for general−purpose low−power applications.
Features Shipped in plastic bags, 1000 per bag Available Tape and Reeled, 5000 per reel, by adding a “RL” suffix to
the part number Available in Fan−Fold Packaging, 3000 per box, by adding a “FF”
suffix to the part number These devices are manufactured with a Pb−Free external lead
finish only*
Mechanical Characteristics Case: Epoxy, Molded Weight: 0.4 gram (approximately) Finish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant and Terminal
Leads are Readily Solderable Lead and Mounting Surface Temperature for Soldering Purposes:
220°C Max. for 10 Seconds, 1/16 in. from case Polarity: Cathode Indicated by Polarity Band
*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please