1N3889 ,High Power Fast Recovery RectifiersData Sheet No. PD-2.03OD
1N3879, ’INSBBS,
EFL, 12FL, 1BF ..
1N3890 ,High Power Fast Recovery RectifiersFeatures
l2t 50H: ) 26 103 1 so 103 160 A25
60Hz 1 23 94 ) 55 94 150 A1: I Short reverse recovery ..
1N3957GP ,GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION RECTIFIERElectrical Characteristics Ratings at 25°C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Maximum i ..
1N4001 ,50 V, silicon rectifier diodeMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
1N4001-A , 1.0A RECTIFIER
23Z104SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z104SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z105SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z106SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z106SM , COMMON MODE CHOKE CATALOG Suited for LAN and Telecom Applications
23Z108SM , For Adapter Cards, MAUs, Hubs, and Motherboard Applications
1000V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AA (DO-4) package
Data Sheet No. PD-2.030D
''ilNatiirTEl, '1llNllaElEllEll,
EFL, WEFL, 16F“: SBllElRllllEEl
SA, 12A and 16A Fast
Recovery Rectifiers
Major Ratings and Characteristics
1rctsg,t3' 1,1383” 6FL... 12FL... 16FL... Unit
'HAWT ,) 6" 12'' 6 12 ', 16 A
' le SOHZT 72 145 no 145 180 A
60H: l 75" 150' : 115 150 190 A
m 50He i 26 103 1 60 103 160 A25
eon: ! 23 94 l 55 94 150 A25
A T 363 1452 I 855 1452 l 2290 AR
trr range _ see tame "
VRRM range 50 - 400' l 50 -1000 v
r, range ( -65 to 150 "C
'JEDEC registered values.
t At max. Tc = 100°C.
This range of fast recovery diodes is
designed for applications in DC power
supplies, inverters, converters, choppers,
ultrasonic systems and for use as free
wheel diodes.
13 Short reverse recovery time
El Low stored charge
EIWide current range _
El Excellent surge capabilities
13 Standard JEDEC types
El Stud cathode and stud anode versions
ElTypes up to 1000V VR RM
EI Fully characterised reverse recovery
(0.800) N clit -v,
MAX. 'difi I 10.28
. - '' R (0405)
i Urs MAX
11.00 (0.433) MAX.
10-32 UNFZA
+ JUL.
[0.45] (0.74) (0.43)
Conforms to JEDEC J DC2--203AA (DO-M)
IEC191-2 : A3U
BS 3934 : SOA10A
DIN 41885: t01 C2
All dimensions in millimetres (inches)
1N3879, 1N3889, GFL,12FL,16FL Series
VRRM - Max. [R - Max. 'e,n,rss, Current
VRRM - Max. Non-Repetitive Peak At Rated VR
Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage
Reverse Voltage to 5 ms To = 25°C Tg = 100°C Tg = 150°C
Part Number (DCO V V mA mA mA
1N3879 50 75 0.015' 1.(P 3.0'
1N3880 100 150 0.015' 1.0' 3.0'
1N3881 200 250 0.015- 1.01 3.0' Ci)
1N3882 300 350 0.015' 1.0' 3.0'
1N3883 400 450 0.015“ 1.0" 3.0' -
1N3889 so 75 0.025'' 3.0* EU'-
1N3890 100 150 0.025" 3.0' 5.0" Ci)
1113391 200 250 0.025' 3.0* 5.0' 1
1N3892 300 350 0.025' 3.0' fi.0''
1N3893 400 450 0.025' 3.0" 5.0“
"''6FL6S02 BFLSSDS 6FL5510 50 " 0.050 7 5.0
6FL10S02 6FL10805 6FL1OS1O 100 150 0.050 - 6.0
6F L2OSO2 6FL20505 6FL20510 200 275 0.050 - 6.0
6F L40802 6FL40S05 6FL40$10 400 500 0.050 - 6.0 CD
6F 1.60802 6FL60505 6F 1.60510 1500 725 0.050 - 6.0
- 6F LBDSOE 6FL80510 800 950 0.050 7 6.0
- 6FL100505 Br%100S10 1000 1250 0.050 - 6.0
'"'12FL5S02 12FL5$05 12FLSS10 50 75 0.050 7 (T0
12FL10802 12FL10505 12FL10S10 100 150 0.050 - 6.0
12F L20302 12F L20505 12FL20510 200 275 0.050 - 6.0
12FL40502 12FL40$05 12FL40$10 400 500 0.050 - 6.0 CD
12FL60502 12F 1.60505 12F 1.60510 600 725 0.050 - 6.0
- 12FL80$05 12FL80510 BOO 950 0.050 - 6.0
7 12FL100505 12FL100$10 1000 1250 0.050 7 5.0
”16FL5802 16F LSSDS 16FL5$10 50 75 0.050 - "
ttiF L10502 16F LIOSOS 16F 1.10510 100 150 0.050 7 6.0
16F L20802 IBF L20505 16F 1.20510 200 275 0.050 - 6.0
16F L40802 16F L40505 16F L40510 400 500 0.050 7 6.0 C)
16F L60502 16F LSOSOS 16F L6081O 600 725 0.050 - 6.0
- 16F L80505 16F LBOS10 800 950 0.050 7 6.0
- 16F L100$05 16F L100S10 1000 1250 0.050 - 6.0
6FL... 16FL...
1N3879 - 1 N3889-
1N S S10 Unit Conditions
t Max. reverse re- J . F = to R =
rr covery time 150 150 110 285 490 100 250 430 90 225 390 ns dl = 100 A115
. 300° 200 500 1000 ns J = 'd F/dt = its.
'FIM1REC) .pea re- 4- 5" _ - 0 -
t2 M . - " ' =
RR 'iev''arl'l"lrr,'lr2', 400 350 230 1700 5000 200 1300 3800 150 1100 3000 dilF/dt = 100F717“;
J = F/dt '
400 400 200 1200 5000 200 1200 5000 200 1200 5000 'FM = n bt rated 'F(Av>
IN3879-- 1N3893
1N3883 6FL... 12F L... 16F L... Unit Conditions
'F1AV] Max. average forward current 6" 6 12' 16 A Ittoo conduction, half sine wave, Tc = 100UC
tFIRMS) Max. r.m.s. forward current 9.5 9.5 19 25 A
'FSM Max. peak one-cycle mm 72 110 145 180 t = 10 ms _
repetitive forward current 75' 115 ttio'' 190 A t = 8.3 ms With rated VRRM Sinusoidal half wave,
as 130 170 215 t =10 ms v = 0 initial TJ ‘150°C
90 135 180 25 t = 8.3 ms FIHM
t2t Max. 12: for fusing 26 60 103 160 t = 10 ms .
_ With rated VRRM
23 55 94 150 ah t - 8.3 ms Initial TJ = 1sooc
Max. 12: for individual 36 as 145 230 1:10 ms v = 0
device fusing 33 78 130 219 t = 8.3 ml WW
I2 A/ t Max. I2 V t for individual 2 -
device fusina CO 363 856 1452 2290 I Vs t - 0.1 to " ms
VFM Max. peak forward voltage 1.4' 1.4 1.4' 1.4 V J = ' IF = rated 'F(AV) (ULJ
1.5' IE 1.5e 1.5 Tcss1oooc,tri--rxrattsdiFtAvl
'JEDEC ragistared value
"Suffix "S02" may be Omitted, is., 12F L10 implies 12F L10802,
12FLR60irnplio 12FLR60S02,
®Typa: listed are cathode to case: for anoda-tocase include "R" in
CD [R(AV) © rated 'HAV) and VRRM, and Tc . 100°C.
CD IRM o rated VRRM and Td =150°C.
(COA for time tx = it,G . x/I
When these devices are ordered without a suffix, 0.9., 40HF L,
the order will be filled with devices that meet the S02 specification.