16TTS16STRL ,1600V 10A Phase Control SCR in a D2-Pak packageapplications are in input rectification (softstart) and these products are designed to be usedwith ..
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800V 10A Phase Control SCR in a D2-Pak package
IéaR Rectifier
Bulletin I2105 rev. D 12/98
The 16TTS..S SAFEIRseries of silicon controlled
rectiflers are specifically designed for medium
power switching and phase control applications.
The glass passivation technology used has reli-
able operation up to 125° C junction temperature.
Typical applications are in input rectification (soft
start) and these products are designed to be used
with International Rectirler input diodes, switches
and output rectifers which are available in identi-
cal package outlines.
Output Current in Typical Applications
v <1.4V@10A
ITSM = 200A
vRRM = 800 to 1600V
Applications Single-phase Bridge Three-phase Bridge Units
NEMA FR-4 or G 1 0 glass fabric-based epoxy
. 2.5 3.5
with4 oz (140pm) copper
AluminumlMS,RthCA=15°C/W 6.3 9.5 A
AluminumIMSwith heatsink, RthCA=5°CNV 14.0 18.5
TA-- 55°C, To =125°C,footprint300mm2
Major Ratings and Characteristics Package Outline
Characteristics 1 6TTS..S Units
lmv) Sinusoidal 10 A
vRRM/vDRM upto 1600 v V;\\‘._
"s 'x\_{\\
ITSM 200 A f, N,
vT @10A,TJ=25°C 1.4 v '
dv/dt 500 V/ps
di/dt 150 Alps 2
D PAK (SMD-220)
T J - 40to 125 'C
16TTS.. S SAFEIR Series
Bulletin I2105 rev. D 12198 IEZR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
VRRM, maximum VDRM, maximum IRRM/lDRM
Part Number peak reverse voltage peak direct voltage 125°C
V V mA
16TTS08S 800 800 10
16TTS128 1200 1200
16TTS168 1600 1600
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 16TTS..S Units Conditions
ITW) Max.Average On-stateCurrent 10 A @Tc =98° C.180°conductionhalfsinewave
IRMS Max. RMSOn-stateCurrent 16
|TSM Max. Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 170 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRMappIied
Surge Current 200 10ms Sine pulse, novoltagereapplied
fl Max. i2ttortUsing 144 A25 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRMapplied
200 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied
I2\/t Max. i24tforfusing 2000 Ales t=0.1 to 10ms, no voltagereapplied
VTM Max.On-stateVoltage Drop 1.4 V @ 10A, T o" 25°C
rt On-state slope resistance 24.0 m!) T J = 125°C
Vnm) Threshold Voltage 1.1 V
IRMIIDM Max.Reverse and Direct 0.5 mA T = 25 ''C _
Leakage Current 10 T: = 125 "C VR - rated VRRM/ VDRM
Ir, Holding Current Typ. Max. Anode Supply = 6V, Resistive load, Initial IT=1A
-- 100 mA 16TTSO8S, 16TTS12S
100 150 16TTS168
|L Max.Latching Current 200 mA Anode Supply = 6V, Resistive load
dv/dt Max. Rate of Rise of off-state Voltage 500 V/ps
di/dt Max. Rate of Rise of tumedon Current 150 Alps