163CMQ080 ,80V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA (Isolated) packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
163CMQ090 ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
16C554 , EPROM-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller
The 16CPF and the 16JPF Series of Fast Recovery
123533 132238 Rectifiers are rated at ..
16CTQ080 ,80V 16A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-220AB packageFeaturesMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsThis center tap Schottky rectifier series has been optimiz ..
1T362 , Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode
1T362A , Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode
1T363 , Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode
1T363A , Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode
1T365 , Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode
1T367 , UHF band VCO
80V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA (Isolated) package
ISER Rectifier
Bulletin PD-2.255 rev.B 05/02
Major Ratings and Characteristics
160 Amp
Description/ Features
. . . The 163CMQ isolated center tap Schottky rectifier module
Characteristics 163CMQ... Units series has been optimized for low reverse leakage at high
temperature. The proprietary barrier technology allows for
|F(AV) Rectangular 160 A reliable operation up to 175'' C junction temperature. Typical
waveform applications are in switching powersupplies, converters, free-
VRRM range 60, 80 to 100 V wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.
. 175 "C T, operation
|FSM @tp=5pssine 9000 A . Isolated heatsink
o Centertap module
V): @80Apk,TJ=125°C 0.80 V . High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
(per leg) enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
. Low forward voltage drop
T range -55to175 ''C . .
J . High frequency operation
. Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
. Low profile, high current package
50.80 (2.000) 4.95 (0.195)
5-6010-2601 r REF. -- /Te (0.175) .
6.10 (0.240) (7 PLCS.)
12.70 (0.500) e E 25.65 (1.010)
REF. _ 25.15 (0.990)
Tt" (B 1 2 3 e 163CMQ100
J a e L1.14(0.045)
8.05 (0.317)J - - 0.76 (0.030) (Isolated Base)
7.80 (0.307) L 13.21 (0.520)
8.64(0.340) - 12.70 (0.500)
REF. (3 PLCS.)
11.43 (0.450)
22.86 0.900 -
R). 1 $1 2 $3
38-35i_I'0) Anode Common Anode
1.14 (0.045) 37.85 (1.490) 1 2
0.89 (0.035)_ - -1.27 (0.050) 10A6(iar0) Cathode
REF. f 8.38 (0.330)
I . I 1 I I ' I
6.60102st ' 61 21 mo ' I AL A Outline D-60(Modified JEDEC T0-249AA)
6.10(0.240) i1-21i_2"10) . . . . . .
60.71(2.390) 3.30 (0.130) Dimensions In millimeters and (inches)
3.05 (0.120)
163CMQ... Series
Bulletin PD-2.255 rev. B 05/02 IOR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 163CMQO60 163CMQO80 163CMQ090 163CMQ100
V Max. DC Reverse Volta e
R g (V) 60 80 90 100
VRVW. Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 163CMQ Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.AverageForward Current 160 A 50%dutycycle@TC=87°C,rectangularwaveform
* See Fig. 5
|FSM Max.PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 9000 5ps Sineor3ps Rect.pulse Follpwing.gnyrate.d .
. A . load condmon and with
Surge Current (Per Leg) * See Fig. 7 800 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse rated VRRM applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 15 mJ Tv-- 25°C, IAS=1Amps,L=30mH
(Per Leg)
|AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 1 A Currentdecayinglinearlytozeroin1 psec
(Per Leg) Frequencylimited by TJmax.VA= 15va typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 163CMQ Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.98 V @ 80A T = 25 ac
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 1 (1) 1.17 V @ 160A J
0.80 V @ 80A T - 125 "C
0.96 v @160A J -
I M .R L k C t 1.5 mA T=25°C
RM ax everse ea. age urren J VR = rated VR
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 2 (1) 20 mA Tu = 125 ''C
c, Max. Junction Capacitance (Per Leg) 1400 pF VR = 5VDC (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25''C
LS Typical Series Inductance (Per Leg) 8.0 nH Measured from terminal hole to terminal hole
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 VI us
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse 1Mdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 163CMQ Units Conditions
T, Max.JunctionTemperature Range -55to175 ''C
Tstg Max.Storage Temperature Range -55to175 "C
Rmc Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 1.0 'C/IN DCoperation *See Fig.4
to Case (Per Leg)
Reuc Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 0.50 °C/W DCoperation
to Case (Per Package)
Recs TypicalThermaIResistance,Case 0.10 "C/W Mountingsurface,smoothandgreased
to Heatsink
wt Approximate Weight 58(2.0) g(oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 40 (35) Kg-cm
Max. 58(50) (lbf-in)
CaseStyle TO-249AA JEDEC