161CMQ035 ,35V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA (Isolated) packageFeaturesMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsThe 161CMQ isolated center tap Schottky rectifier modulese ..
161CMQ045 ,45V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA (Isolated) packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
161CMQ050 ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
162CNQ030 ,30V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA Non-Isolated packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters,waveformfree-wheeling diodes, and reverse ..
163CMQ080 ,80V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA (Isolated) packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
163CMQ090 ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
1SS81 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Voltage Switching
1SS81 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Voltage Switching
1SS82 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Voltage Switching
1SS82 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Voltage Switching
1SS83 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Voltage Switching
1SS84 , Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode for High Speed Switching
35V 160A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-249AA (Isolated) package
Bulletin PD-2.174 rev.C 05/02
TGiR, Rectifier 161CMQ... SERIES
. . . . . . TO-249AA
Major Ratings and Characteristics Description! Features
The 161CMQ isolated center tap Schottky rectifier module
Characteristics 161 CMQ... Units series has been optimized for low. reverse leakage at high
temperature. The proprietary barrier technology allows for
reliable operation up to 175° Cjunction temperature. Typical
IF(AV) Rectangular 160 A applications are in switching powersupplies, converters, free-
waveform wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.
VRRM range 30 to 50 V . 175° C TJ operation
. . Isolated heatsink
IFSM @tp = 5 pssme 11,500 A . Center tap module
a . Multiple leads perterminal for high frequency, high current
VF @80Apk,To= 125 C 0.63 V PC board mounting
(per leg) . High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
o enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
T range - 55to 175 C
J . Low forward voltage drop
. High frequency operation
. Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
. Low profile, high current package
50.80 (2.000) 4.95 (0.195)
6.60 (0.260) I""- REF. - /TY', (0.175) DIA
6.10 (0.240) (7 PLCS.)
12.70 (0.500) I e 25.65 (1.010)
REF. _ 25.15 (0.990)
Tt" 9 1 2 3 0 t t 161CMQOSO
Ph e e L 1.14 (0.045)
8.05 (0.317)J si] - 0.76 (0.030) (Isolated Base)
7.80 (0.307) L 13.21 (0.520)
8.64(ih340) - 12.70i0a00) J,
REF. (3 PLCS.)
11.43 (0.450)
. .900 -
22 'lilo/ ) $1 2 3
"..38-35i-1""0).o- Anode Common Anode
1.14 (0.045) - 37.85il.490) 1 Cathode 2
0.89i0.035) - -1.27i0.050) 1ih16(_0"00)
REF f" (0.330)
[1' ' ' ' It
6.60 (0.260) _( ' ' 1 Outline D-60 (Modified JEDEC TO-249AA)
6.1010240) "21f_2"10) 3 30(0130) Dimensions in millimeters and (inches)
60.71 (2.390) Li'i)-'rrii')
161CMQ... Series
Bulletin PD-2.174 rev. C 05/02 IEER Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 161CMQ030 161CMQ035 161CMQO40 161CMQO45 161CMQ050
V M . D R V l
R ax C everse otage (V) 30 35 40 45 50
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 161CMQ Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.AverageForward Current 160 A 50%dutycycle@TC= 101 °C,rectangularwaveform
* See Fig. 5
. - . . , 5 Si 3 R t. I Followin an rated
|FSM Max PeakOneCycleNon Repetitive 11 500 A us Ineor us ec pu se load gf/fl/l/ll and with
Surge Current (Per Leg) * See Fig. 7 900 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse rated VRRM applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 108 mJ T, = 25°C, IAS=16Amps,L=O.84mH
(Per Leg)
|AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 16 A Currentdecayinglinearlytozeroin1 psec
(Per Leg) Frequencylimited by TJmax.VA= 1.5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 161CMQ Units Conditions
Vo, Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.71 V @ 80A T = 25 'C
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 1 (1) 0.88 V @ 160A J
0.63 V @ 80A T - 125 "C
0.79 v @160A J -
IR,, Max. Reverse Leakage Current 5 mA Tv-- 25 T
. VR = rated VR
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 2 (1) 45 mA T: = 125 '"C
c, Max. Junction Capacitance (Per Leg) 2600 pF VR = 5VDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25°C
LS Typical Series Inductance (Per Leg) 8.0 nH Measured from terminal hole to terminal hole
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 VI us
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse 1Mdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 161CMQ Units Conditions
T J Max.JunctionTemperature Range -5510175 ''C
Tstg Max.Storage Temperature Range -5510175 "C
Rch Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 1.0 "C/W DCoperation 'See Fig.4
to Case (Per Leg)
Rea: Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 0.50 ''C/W DCoperation
to Case (Per Package)
RthCS TypicalThermalResistance,Case 0.10 "C/W Mountingsurface,smoothandgreased
to Heatsink
wt Approximate Weight 58(2.0) g(oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 40 (35) Kg-cm
Max. 58(50) (Ibf-in)
CaseStyle TO-249AA JEDEC