151CMQ045 ,45V 150A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D-60 (Isolated) packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
15-24-4449 , 5.08mm (.200") Pitch Disk Drive Power Connection System Header, Vertical, ThroughHole, 4 Circuits, Lead-free, 3.60mm (.140") PC Tail Length, without PCB Locator Peg
1-5353134-0 , Stacking Height Guide for Parallel Board-to-Board Applications
15-44-6832 , 2.54mm (.100") Pitch C-Grid® Receptacle, Through Hole, Dual Row, High Profile, Vertical, High-Temperature, 32 Circuits
" loa d I
Notes: ..
1SMA5917BT3 ,PLASTIC SURFACE MOUNT ZENER DIODES 1.5 WATTS 3.3-68 VOLTSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unlessAotherwise noted, V = 1.5 V Max. @ I = 200 mA for all ty ..
1SMA5917BT3G , 1.5 Watt Plastic Surface Mount Zener Voltage Regulators
1SMA5918BT3G , 1.5 Watt Plastic Surface Mount Zener Voltage Regulators
1SMA5919BT3 ,PLASTIC SURFACE MOUNT ZENER DIODES 1.5 WATTS 3.3-68 VOLTSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unlessAotherwise noted, V = 1.5 V Max. @ I = 200 mA for all ty ..
1SMA5919BT3G , 1.5 Watt Plastic Surface Mount Zener Voltage Regulators
1SMA5920BT3 ,Zener Diode1SMA5913BT3 Series1.5 Watt PlasticSurface MountZener Voltage RegulatorsThis complete new line of 1. ..
35V 150A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D-60 (Isolated) package
Bulletin PD-2.252 rev.B 05/02
62R Rectifier
Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/ Features
The 151CMQ isolated center tap Schottky rectmer module
Characteristics 151CMQ... Units series has been optimized for low reverse leakage at high
temperature. The proprietary barrier technology allows for
IF A Rectangular 150 A rellaple .operatio.n up .t.o 1.75 Cjunction temperature. Typical
( V) applications are In switching powersupplies, converters, free-
waveform wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.
VRRM range 35 to 50 V a 175° C To operation
. Isolated heatsink
IFSM @tp= 5 pssine 9200 A . Center tap module
- o . Multiple leads perterminal for high frequency, high current
VF @75Apk'TJ_125 C 0.65 V PC board mounting
(per leg) . High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
enhanced mechanical stren th and moist re resistance
T range -55to175 ''C I g I U
J o Low forward voltage drop
. High frequency operation
. Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
. Low profile, high current package
6.60 (0.260) l- 50.823300) -1 ','di'/jl','i'l DIA
6.10 (0.240) . ii PLbs.)
12.70 (0.500) -$ 25.65 (1.010)
'Ft-ts 1 9 6) 25.15 (0S90) 151CM0050
Illlhlhlhll, LLy,y:-ye,e,
0.76 ii. 030) (Isolated Base)
_1321 (0.520)
323(_0.155) 12.70 (0.500)
3.68 (0.145) 2
(3 PLCS.) 1-14tt_htu6l
o. as (o .035)
38.35 (1.510) (9 mm) Anode Common Anode
1.14 (0.045) = 37. 35 (1. 490) (1-3) Cathode (7-9)
OBS (0.035) - 412710050) 10A6 (0.400) (4-6)
REF. 8.38 (0.330)
:f‘g‘gjid -6S'. i07lt4101 iic, Outline D-60 (Modified JEDEC TO-249AA)
. ( ) -isoat-2.3ay, (2.390) 3. 30 (0130) Dimensions in millimeters and (inches)
151CMQ... Series
Bulletin PD-2.252 rev. B 05/02 TCtR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 151CMQO35 151CMQO40 151CMQO45 151CMQ050
V Ma ' DC Re erse Volta e
R x V g (V) 35 40 45 50
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 151CMQ Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.Average Forward Current 150 A 50% duty cycle@TC= 104"C, rectangularwaveform
* See Fig. 5
IFSM Max. PeakOne CycIeNon-Repetitive 9200 Sps Sine or Bus Rect. pulse Follpwing.p.ny rated .
. A . load condmon and with
Surge Current (Per Leg) * See Fig. 7 1200 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse rated VRRM applied
EAs Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 101 mJ Tu = 25 ''C, IAS =15Amps,L= 0.9 mH
(Per Leg)
I AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 15 A Currentdecayinglinearlytozeroin1 psec
(Per Leg) Frequencylimited by TJmax.VA= 1 .5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 151CMQ Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.71 V @ 75A T = 25 ''C
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 1 (1) 0.92 V @ 150A J
0.65 V @ 75A T _ 125 'C
0.82 v @ 150A J -
IRS, Max. Reverse Leakage Current 5 mA Tu = 25 "C
. VR = rated VR
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 2 (1) 45 mA TJ = 125 ''C
c, Max. Junction Capacitance (Per Leg) 2600 pF VR = 5Voc (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25''C
Ls Typical Series Inductance (Per Leg) 9.2 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 VI ps
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse V6ith < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2%
ThermaI-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 151 CMQ Units Conditions
TJ Max.Junction Temperature Range -55to175 "C
Tstg Max.StorageTemperature Range -5510175 °C
RmJC Max.Thermal ResistanceJunction 1.0 °C/W DC operation *See Fig.4
to Case (Per Leg)
RthJC Max. Thermal ResistanceJunction 0.50 °CNV DC operation
to Case(Per Package)
Rthcs TypicalThermalResistance,Case 0.10 ''C/W Mounting surface,smooth andgreased
to Heatsink
wt Approximate Weight 56 (2.0) g (oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 40(35) Kg-cm
Max. 58(50) (Ibf-in)
CaseStyle D-60(TO-249AA) Modified JEDEC