150EBU04 ,400V 150A Ultra-Fast Discrete Diode in a PowIRtab packageapplications where switching losses are not significant portion of the totallosses.Absolute Maximu ..
150K ,STANDARD RECOVERY DIODES Stud VersionFeaturesAlloy diodeHigh current carrying capabilityHigh voltage ratings up to 1000VHigh surge curre ..
150K60A ,High Power Standard Recovery RectifiersapplicationsMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsParameters 45L /150... UnitsI 150 AF(AV)@ T 150 °CCI 2 ..
150KS20 ,200V 150A Std. Recovery Diode in a B-42packageApplicationsConvertersPower suppliesMachine tool controlsHigh power drivesMedium traction
150KSR20 ,200V 150A Std. Recovery Diode in a B-42packageFeaturesAlloy diodeHigh current carrying capabilityHigh voltage ratings up to 1000VHigh surge curre ..
151CMQ045 ,45V 150A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D-60 (Isolated) packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
1SMA13AT3G , 400 Watt Peak Power Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors
1SMA15AT3 ,Zener Transient Voltage SuppressorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSBreakdown Voltage V @ I (Note 8)C PPV VRW RWM MV (Volts) (Note 7) @ I V I ..
1SMA16AT3G , 400 Watt Peak Power Zener Transient Voltage Suppressors
1SMA16CAT3 ,Zener Transient Voltage SuppressorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSBreakdown Voltage V @ I (Note 6)C PPV VRW RWM M(Note 4) V (Volts) (Note 5 ..
1SMA18AT3 ,Zener Transient Voltage SuppressorsMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPeak Power Dissipation (Note 1) @ T = 25°C, Pulse Width = 1 ..
1SMA200Z , 1.25 Watts Surface Mount Silicon Zener Diode
400V 150A Ultra-Fast Discrete Diode in a PowIRtab package
Bulletin PD-20744 rev.A 01/01
IezR Rectifier 150EBU04
Ultrafast Soft Recovery Diode
Features t = Sons
. Ultrafast Recovery rr
. 1750c Operating Junction Temperature |F(AV) = 150Amp
Benefits V = 400V
. Reduced RFI and EMI R
. Higher Frequency Operation
. Reduced Snubbing
. Reduced Parts Count
These diodes are optimized to reduce losses and EMI/ RFI in high frequency power conditioning systems.
The softness ofthe recovery eliminates the need for a snubber in most applications. These devices are ideally suited
for HF welding, power converters and other applications where switching losses are not signiMant portion ofthe total
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters Max Units
VR Cathode to Anode Voltage 400 V
IHAV) Continuous Forward Current, Tc = 104°C 150 A
IFSM Single Pulse Forward Current, Tc = 25''C 1500
IFRM O) Maximum Repetitive Forward Current 300
To, TSTG Operating Junction and Storage Temperatures - 55 to 175 'C
co Square Wave, 20kHz
Case Styles
Bulletin PD-20744 rev.A 01/01
IOR Rectifier
Electrical Characteristics © TJ = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameters Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions
VBR, v, Breakdown Voltage, 400 - - V IR = 200PA
Blocking Voltage
VF FonNard Voltage - 1.07 1.3 IF = 150A
- 0.9 1.1 IF =150A,TJ = 175°C
- 0.96 1.17 IF =150A,To = 125°C
IR Reverse Leakage Current - - 50 pA VR = VR Rated
- - 4 mA To = 150°C, VR = VR Rated
C T Junction Capacitance - 100 - pF VR = 400V
L s Series Inductance - 3.5 - nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
Dynamic Recovery Characteristics @ Tg = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameters Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions
trr Reverse Recovery Time - - 60 ns IF = 1.0A, dir/dt = 200A/ps, VR = 30V
- 93 - TJ = 25°C IF-- 150A
- 172 - To = 125°C VR = 200V
dir/dt = 200Alps
IRRM Peak Recovery Current - 11 - A TJ = 25°C
- 20 - To = 125°C
Ar Reverse Recovery Charge - 490 - nC T: = 25''C
- 1740 - TJ = 125°C
Thermal - Mechanical Characteristics
Parameters Min Typ Max Units
RthJC Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case 0.35 KAN
RthCS © Thermal Resistance, Case to Heatsink 0.2
Wt Weight 5.02 g
0.18 (oz)
T Mounting Torque 1.2 2.4 N * m
10 20 Ibf.in
© Mounting Surface, Flat, Smooth and Greased