129NQ135 ,135V 120A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-67 HALF-Pak packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters, free-waveformwheeling diodes, and reverse ..
12A01C ,Pico-TR SeriesFeatures• 0.40.16Large current capacitance.3•Low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage (resistanc ..
12A01C ,Pico-TR SeriesAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitCollector-to-Base Voltag ..
12A01S ,Pico-TR SeriesAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitCollector-to-Base Voltag ..
12A01S ,Pico-TR SeriesFeatures [12A01S]•Large current capacitance.0.750.3• 0.6Low collector-to-emitter saturation voltage ..
12A01SS ,Pico-TR SeriesAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitCollector-to-Base Voltag ..
1M0365R ,Fairchild Power Switch(FPS)Block Diagram#3 VCC#2 DRAIN32V5V InternalSFETVref biasGoodlogicOSC9V SQ5µ A1mAR−#4 FBL.E.B 2.5R+1 ..
1M0365R ,Fairchild Power Switch(FPS)features integrated fixed• Over Load Protectionoscillator, under voltage lock out, leading edge bla ..
1M0880 ,Fairchild Power Switch(FPS)Block Diagram#3 VCC#1 DRAIN32V5V InternalVref bias SFETGoodlogic#5 Soft StartOSC5VSQR−#4 FBL.E.B2.5 ..
1M0880 ,Fairchild Power Switch(FPS)KA1L0880B/KA1M0880BFairchild Power Switch(FPS)
"tlie-ttttalta Voltage Resonance Power Supply EIAJ -
. tratot Induction He ..
1MBC10D-060 ,Fuji Discrete Package IGBTApplications• High Power Switching• A.C. Motor Controls• D.C. Motor Controls• Uninterruptible Power ..
135V 120A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-67 HALF-Pak package
52R Rectifier
Bulletin PD-20719 rev.A 03/01
129NQ...(R) SERIES
Major Ratings and Characteristics
The 129NQ... (R) high currentSchottky rectifIermodule series
Characteristics 129NQ...(R) Units has been optimized for low reverse leakage at high
temperature. The proprietary barrier technology allows for
IF AV Rectangular 120 A reliable operation up to 175° Cjunction temperature. Typical
( ) waveform applications are in switching powersupplies, converters, free-
wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.
VRRM range 135 to 150 V . 175"CTJ operation
. q Unique highpower, Half-Pak module
IFSM @tp=5ps sme 10000 A o Replacestwo parallelDO-5's
V 120A k T =125''C 0 74 V o Easierto mount and lower profile than DO-5's
F © p , J" . . High purity, hightemperature epoxy encapsulationfor
enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
I, range -55to175 C . Lowforward voltage drop
. Highfrequencyoperation
. Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
30. "40_(1"97)
1/4-20 UNC-2B 29. 90 (I. 177) l‘* 129NQ150
i iiijy1-'i'ti 19. 69 '69(_0a75 775) Lug TerminaIAnode
18.42 (0. 725)
4.11 (0.162) I
3.86 (0.152) ”(@J L Base Cathode
12. 83 'h83t_ih505 505)D
12. 57 (0495) A. ''"'(i-h162)D
3. 86 (0. 152)D
- 19.18(_0.755) Lug Terminal Cathode
18.92 (0.745)
13.97 (0.550) I + 15.11 (0.595) Base Anode
13.72 (0.540) . ... lit .. 14.61 (0.575)
A I I 4
Outline D-67 HALF PAK Module
39.62(1.560) 2.54(_th100) Dimensions in millimeters and (inches)
38.61 (1.520) 2.29 (0.090)
129NQ...(R) Series
Bulletin PD-20719 rev. A 03/01 IEZR liectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 129NQ135 129NQ150
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V)
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 135 150
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 129NQ Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.AverageForwardCurrent 120 A 50%dutycycle@Tc=117°C,rectangularwaveform
*See Fig. 5
|FSM Max. PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 10000 5ps Sineor3ps Rect. pulse Following .ilny rated
A load condition and
SurgeCurrent*See Fig.7 1200 10ms Sineor6ms Rect. pulse with rated VRRMapplied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 15 mJ TJ-- 25 "C, IAS-- 1 Amps, L = 30 mH
I AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 1 A Current decaying linearly to zeroin1psec
Frequency limited by T, max. VA: 1.5 xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 129NQ Units Conditions
. 1 1.07 V 12 A
vFM Max Forward Voltage Drop ( ) @ 0 T, = 25 DC
* See Fig. 1 1.27 V @ 240A
0.74 V @120A TJ=125°C
0.86 V @ 240A
IRM Max. Reverse LeakageCurrent(1) 3 mA T, = 25 "C
. VR = rated VR
* See Fig. 2 45 mA T, = 125 "C
c, Max. Junction Capacitance 3000 pF v,, = 5VDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25 "C
LS Typical Series Inductance 7.0 nH From top of terminal hole to mounting plane
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10,000 V/ ps
( Rated VR)
. . . (1) Pulse VWdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle < 2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 129NQ Units Conditions
T J Max.JunctionTemperature Range -55to175 "C
stg Max.StorageTemperatureRange -55to175 "C
Re, JC Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 0.40 "CAN DC operation * See Fig. 4
Rmcs TypicalTherrnaIResistance,Caseto 0.15 °CNV Mountingsurface,smoothandgreased
wt ApproximateWeight 25.6(0.9) g(oz.)
T MountingTorque Min. 40(35) Non-Iubn'catedthreads
Max. 58(50) Kg-cm
TenninalTorque Min. 58(50) (lbf-in)
Max. 86(75)
Case Style HALF PAK Module