10WQ045FN ,45V 10A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageapplications are in disk drives,I Rectangular 10 AF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free-w ..
10WQ045FN. ,45V 10A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageBulletin PD-20530 rev. F 03/0310WQ045FNSCHOTTKY RECTIFIER10 AmpD-Pak (TO-252AA)Major Ratings ..
11016 , Isolated Resistor Termination Network
1101M2S3CQE2 , 1000 Series Miniature Slide Switches
110CNQ045ASL ,45V 110A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D61-8-SL packageFeaturesThe 110CNQ045A center tap Schottky rectifier module hasbeen optimized for very low forward ..
178M05 , Three-Terminal Regulator
178M05 , Three-Terminal Regulator
178M06 , Three-Terminal Regulator
178M07 , Three-Terminal Regulator
178M09 , Three-Terminal Regulator
178M09 , Three-Terminal Regulator
45V 10A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak package
Bulletin PD-20530 reV.F 03/03
ISBR Rectifier 10WQ045FN
D-Pak (TO-252AA)
Major Ratings and Characteristics Description) Features
Characteristics 10WQO45FN Units The 10H2045FY sy/face mount Schottky rectifier has been
designed for applications requiring low forward drop and small
I Rectangular 10 A foqt p.ri.nts on PC board... Typical applications are in .diskf.riv.es,
F(AV) f switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes,
wave orm battery charging, and reverse battery protection.
VRRM 45 V . Popular D-PAK outline
I . 400 A . Small foot print, surface moutable
FSM @tp - 5 "s sme . Low forward voltage drop
. High frequency operation
V 10 k,T =125°C 0.53 V .
F @ Ap J . Guard nng for enhanced ruggedness and longterm
TJ range -40 to 175 "C
2.38i0.09) -
5.13 (0.26) 2.190108) 1.14 0.04
_ M - 1.27 (0.05) 0.68(iM2) S.97 0.24
l 5.21 (0.20) t 0.88 (0.03) t 0.46 (0.02) ( )
t.64 th02 s.22(o.24) 53861-22) 6.48 0.26)
Liu(_th02) 5S7(0.23) M(O-M) 10.67 iM2)
9.40(0.37) _
L t 2 3
£ 0.51 (0.02) i 2
1.:2(0.06) T - MIN. 2.54(0.10) I: m E m -
. 5(0.04) a j i i i 2.28
, i _ . (0.09)
t.t4(0.04) -- 3x tr.89i_0.03) " _ 0.58 (0.02) 1.65 0.06 2x
2x 0.16 (0.03) 0.64i0.02) 046(002) 2x
2.28 (0.09) 1 _ Anode Cathode
2x 2 - Cathode 4 2
3 - Anode _
4.67 (OA8) 4 . Cathode
Conform to JEDEC outline D-Pak (Similar to T0-252AA) 1 3
Dimensions in millimeters and (inches) Anode Anode
Bulletin PD-20530 rev.F 03/03
TOR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 10WQ045FN
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) 45
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 10WQ... Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.Average Forward Current 10 A 50% duty cycle@TC= 157°C, rectangularwave form
*See Fig. 5
IFSM Max.PeakOneCydeNorrRepet. 400 5ps Sine or3ps Rect. pulse Following any rated
. A . load condition and with
Surge Current * See Fig. 7 75 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse rated VRRM applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 20 mJ T J = 25 "C, IAS = 3.0 Amps, L = 4.40 mH
IAR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 3.0 A Currentdecayinglinearlytozeroin1 psec
Frequencylimited byT, max.VA=1.5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 10WQ... Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.630 V @ 10A T, = 25 "C
* See Fig. 1 (1) 0.800 V @ 20A
0.530 V @ 10A Tr-- 125°C
0.710 V @ 20A
Im, Max. Reverse Leakage Current 1 mA T J = 25 r’C VR = rated VR
*See Fig.2 (1) 15 mA TJ=125°C
Vmo) Threshold Voltage 0.255 V T J = T J max.
rt Forward Slope Resistance 22 mn
C T Typical Junction Capacitance 760 pF V R = 5V DC (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25 ''C
Ls Typical Series Inductance 5.0 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
(1) Pulse iMdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle < 2%
ThermaI-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 10WQ... Units Conditions
T J Max.JunctionTemp. Range(*) - 40 to 175 "C
Tstg Max.StorageTemperatureRange - 40 to 175 ''C
Rtruc Max.ThermalResistanoeJunction 2.0 'C/W DC operation * See Fig. 4
to Case
RthJA Max.ThermalResistanCeJunction 50 "C/W
wt ApproximateWeight 0.3(0.01) g(oz.)
Case Style D - PAK Similarto TO-252AA
C) dP_tot < 4 th rm I r n nditi nf r di de on its own heatsink
de Rth(j-a) e a u away co I IO o a IO