10TTS08S ,800V 6.5A Phase Control SCR in a D2-Pak packageapplications are in input rectification (softstart) and these products are designed to be usedwith ..
10TTS08STRL ,800V 6.5A Phase Control SCR in a D2-Pak packageFeaturesI = 140ATSMThe 10TTS08S SAFEIR series of siliconcontrolled rectifiers are specifically desi ..
10WQ045FN ,45V 10A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageapplications are in disk drives,I Rectangular 10 AF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free-w ..
10WQ045FN. ,45V 10A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageBulletin PD-20530 rev. F 03/0310WQ045FNSCHOTTKY RECTIFIER10 AmpD-Pak (TO-252AA)Major Ratings ..
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800V 6.5A Phase Control SCR in a D2-Pak package
IéaR Rectifier
Preliminary Data Sheet 12145 12/97
DescriptionlFeatu res
The 10TTS08S SAFEIR series of silicon
controlled rectifers are specifically designed for
medium power switching and phase control
applications. The glass passivation technology
v, <
[email protected]ITSM = 140A
vRRM = 800V
used has reliable operation up to 125° C junction
Typical applications are in input rectification (soft
start) and these products are designed to be used
with International Rectifier input diodes, switches
and output recWers which are available in identi-
cal package outlines.
Output Current in Typical Applications
Applications Single-phase Bridge Three-phase Bridge Units
NEMAFR-4 orG109lassfabric-based epoxy 2.5 3.5
AluminumlMS,RthcA=15''CA/V 6.3 9.5 A
Aluminum IMSwith heatsink, RthCA= 5°CNV 14.0 18.5
TA-- 55°C, To =125°C,footprint300mm2
Major Ratings and Characteristics
Package Outline
Characteristics 10TTS08S Units
ITW) Sinusoidal 6.5 A
ITSM 140 A
VT @6zA,To=25''c 1.15 V
dv/dt 150 V/ps
di/dt 100 Alps
T, range -40to125 ''C
D2 PAK (SMD-220)
10TTSO8S SAFEIR Series International
Preliminary Data Sheet I2145 12197 TOR Rechfler
Voltage Ratings
VRRM, maximum VDRM, maximum IRRN/IDRM
Part Number peak reverse voltage peak direct voltage 125''C
V V mA
10TTS08S 800 800 1.0
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 10TTS08S Units Conditions
ITW) Max.AverageOn-stateCurrent 6.5 A @TC=112°C.180°conductionhalfsinewave
|T(RMS) Max.RMSOn-stateCurrent 10
ITSM Max.PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 120 A 10mssinepulse,ratedvRRMapplied,Tr- 125°C
SurgeCurrent 140 10msSine pulse,novoltagereapplied,TJ= 125°C
Pt Maxittortusing 72 A23 10mssinepulse,ratedvRRMapplied,To= 125°C
100 1OmsSinepuise,novoltagereapplied,TJ= 125°C
I24t Max. fHttorfusing 1000 NHs t=0.1 to 10ms,novoltagereappliedIJ= 125°C
VTM Max.On-stateVoltageDrop 1.15 V @6.5A,TJ= 25°C
r, On-state slope resistance 17.3 mn T J = 125''C
VWO) Threshold Voltage 0.85 V
lRu% Max.Reverse and Direct 0.05 mA T, = 25 ''C VR = rated VRRM/ VDRM
LeakageCurrent 1.0 T, = 125 ''C
IH Typ. Holding Current 30 mA Anode Supply = 6V, Resistive load, Initial IT=1A
|L Max. Latching Current 50 mA Anode Supply = 6V, Resistive load
dv/dt Max. rate of rise ofoff-stateVoltage 150 V/ps T J = 25°C
di/dt Max. rate ofrise ofturned-onCurrent 100 Alps