10BQ030PBF ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERBulletin PD-20708 rev. G 07/0410BQ0301 AmpSCHOTTKY RECTIFIERI = 1 AmpF(AV)V = 30VRMajor Ratin ..
10BQ030PBF ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERapplications are in diskI Rectangular 1.0 Adrives, switching power supplies, converters, free-wheel ..
10BQ030TR ,30V 1A Schottky Discrete Diode in a SMB packageFeaturesThe 10BQ030 surface-mount Schottky rectifier has beenCharacteristics 10BQ030 Unitsdesigned ..
10BQ030TRPBF ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERFeaturesThe 10BQ030 surface-mount Schottky rectifier has beenCharacteristics 10BQ030 Unitsdesigned ..
10BQ040 ,40V 1A Schottky Discrete Diode in a SMB packageBulletin PD-2.397 rev. F 03/0310BQ040SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 1 AmpSMBMajor Ratings and Characterist ..
10BQ040PBF , Schottky Rectifier, 1.0 A
17104 , Radial Lead Inductors
17808 , Three-Terminal Regulator
17808 , Three-Terminal Regulator
17809 , Three-Terminal Regulator
17810 , Three-Terminal Regulator
17812 , Three-Terminal Regulator
TOR Rectifier
Bulletin PD-20708 rev.G 07/04
Major Ratings and Characteristics
|F(AV) = 1 Amp
VR = 30V
Description/ Features
. . . The 1080030 surface-mount Schottky rectifier has been
Characteristics 1030030 Units designed for applications requiring low forward drop and
small foot prints on PC boards. Typical applications are in disk
|F(AV> Rectangular 1.0 A drives, switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling
waveform diodes, battery charging, and reverse battery protection.
VRRM 30 V . Small foot print, surface mountable
. . Very low forward voltage drop
|FSM @tp=5mS sme 430 A . High frequency operation
. Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
VF @1.0Apk,TJ= 125°C 0.30 V reliability
To range - 55to150 ''C
Case Styles
Bulletin PD-20708 rev.G 07104
TOR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 1OBQ030
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V)
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 30
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 1080 Units Conditions
IHAV) Max. Average Forward Current 1.0 A 50% duty cycle@TL= 106°C, rectangularwave form.
I M .P k I N -R - 430 5 Si 3 R t. I Following any rated
FSM ax ea One Cycev on epetitive us In or us ec pu se load condition and
Surge Current * See Fig. 6 90 10ms Sine or 6ms Rect. pulse with rated vRRM applied
EAS Non-Repetitive Avalanche Energy 3.0 mJ T, = 25 ''C, |AS= 1A, L= 6mH
|AR Repetitive Avalanche Current 1.0 A Current decaying linearlytozeroin1 psec
Frequencylimited by TJ max.Va =1.5x1/rtypical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 1080 Units Conditions
I/m Max. Forward Voltage Drop (1) 0.420 V @ 1A T: = 25 "C
0.470 V @ 2A
I/m Max. Forward Voltage Drop (1) 0.300 V @ IA TJ = 125 cc
0.370 V @ 2A
0.5 mA T J = 25 T
IRM Max. Reverse Leakage Current (1) 5.0 mA T, = 100 ''C VR = rated VR
15 mA T J = 125 r’C
c, Max. Junction Capacitance 200 pF VR = 5VDC, (test signal range 100KHz to 1Mhz) 25''C
LS Typical Series Inductance 2.0 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 V/ps
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse VMdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle < 2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 1080 Units Conditions
T., Max.Junction Temperature Range(*) -55 to150 "C
Tstg Max. Storage Temperature Range -55 to 150 "C
RthJL Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 25 °CNV DC operation
to Lead (**)
RthJA Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 80 °CNV
to Ambient
wt Approximate Weight 0.10(0.003) g(oz.)
Case Style SMB Similar DO-214AA
Device Marking IRIE
(*) dPtot < 1
dT] Rth(j-a)
(**) Mounted 1 inch square PCB
thermal runaway condition fora diode on its own heatsink