100JB2L ,V(rrm): 200V; 10A rectifier bridgeELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS
VRSM - Max.
Non-Repetitive Peak
Reverse Voltage
VRRM - Max ..
100LVEL11M ,3.3V ECL 1:2 Differential Fanout BufferFeaturesThe 100LVEL11 is a low voltage 1:2 differential fanout
V(rrm): 50V; 10A rectifier bridge
INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 55 os:lrussscit 00051.0 0 [r
dr85sdis"irriiiERNitrtohALhEcriFrER1 _< ’ 55: 05187 D
. . ", baia Sheet No. (304.0070
. _ 1234
10 to 35 amp rectifier bridges
Major Ratings and Characteristics DeseriptlonlFeatures
10MB 250m & 35MB & U it Three groups of Diode Bridge Rectifier Assemblies rated
l IO 'lt" 'ft' l' S from 10 to 35 Amperes and 50 to 1,200 volts. Widely
o used for new circuits and for replacement.
'FSM @ 60 Hz 125 335 400 A .
ti 60 Hz 130 350 420 I Ease of assembly, installation, inventory.
VRRM M-1200 50-1200 60-1200 V I High surge rating.
I For new applications.
NOW I Broad replacement capacity.
u. L. Recognuag " II Universal, 3-way terminals; snap-on, wrap-
10-35 Amp NB'' tk MB around or solder.
series Bridges I High thermal conductivity, electrically LNa i
insulated case. CO'
NOTE: Fast recovery version also available. Contact your local m sales office for information.
It'' x " .
N2 (0.80)
21.6 (0.35)
10.5 (0.41) min.
' 11.0(033) -28.5(l.12)50."'
ll \sum) 0(A.THnu=)
LI. - sum)
IO (0.39)
Il (0.33)-
22.5 (0.09)
Can Style D.34
All Dimension: In Mllllmotm and (Inchn)
485545'2' iNiiyiiVjitidiVAc RECTIFIER
100JB, 250JB, 26MB, 35MB and 36MB Series
ss 15]]0055052 0005100 Cl [r
55C 05188 D
_ x V SM - Max.
V - Max. Peak Non-Repetitive Paak
Part Numbers Ci) Reverse Voltage Reverse Voltage
100JBO5L 250JBO5L 26MB05A 35M805A 36MBOSA. 60 75
100JB1 L 250.181 L 26MB10A 35MB10A 36MB10A 100 150
IDOJBZL 260JB2L 26MB20A 35MB20A 36MB20A 200 276
10.0J84L 250JB4L 26MB40A 35MB40A 36M B40A 400 500
100J35L 260JB6L 26MBSOA 35MBGOA 36MBSOA 600 726
100JBBL 250JBBL 26M880A 35MB80A 36M880A 800 900
100JB10L 250JB10L 26MB100A 35MB100A 36MB100A 1000 1100
100JB12L 250JB12L 26MB120A 36MB120A 36M8120A 1200 1300
. 10003 'jis'th; iiis"sitt Units Conditions
lo Max. DC output current 10 25 35 A Resistive or inductive load TC . 65°C for 35MB-A,
a 20 28 Capacitive load To " 55°C for 100JB & 250JB.
IFSM Max. peak one cycle, non- 126 335 400 50 Fig half cycle sine wave F
repetitive surge current or 6 ms rectangular pulse olloWlng any mttrd load can-
A -trtiTirrTij7TvTGiiiirGiar g,t,,ty'/','/gt,t/,,' rated VRRM
tt cycesnewaaa e oown u tr,
130 350 420 or 5 ms rectangular pulse pp g ' m
th Ma}. i2t capability far 77 560 800 A2 t " 10 ms Rated VRRM applied following surge, initial
fusing " 510 735 s t " 8.8 ms TU = max. operating lunctlon temperature.
109 790 1130 2 t " 10 ms VRRM " 0 following surge, Initial Td -- max,
99 720 1030 A s t u 8.3 ms operating junction temperature.
2 , I 2 , / .
I t ”1:15;; t trtrpabllity E5 1090 7910 11310 A2\/s VRRM following surge " 0,t " 0.1 to 10 ms.
VFM Max, peak forward voltage 1.3 - - lo" " 10A (16.7A pk)
- 1.1 - V IO = 25A (39.3A pk) par diode, Tg = 25°C
' - - 1.2 IO = 35A (55A pk)
ins, Max. peak reverse current 10 TJ " 25°C
. di d ' t V
2000 PA TJ = Tg max. per‘ 10 e a rated RRM
Vins RMS isolation voltage 2700 VRMS Base plate to any terminal
@121 far (Ims tx = I2\/t . Q (X .
Tg Operating Junction -40 -40 to 170 VRRM = 50 to 600V
temperature range to "
150 -40 to 150 . VRRM = 800 to 1200V
Tsta Storage temperature range -40 to 150 oc
“mm Max. thermal resistance, 3.5 1.8 1.4 VRRM = 60 to 600V
ti . - d . c
Wnctiorrttrcase - 1.4 1.16 eg M VrmM-800to1200V
R Thermal resistance,
thCS case-to-slnk 0.2 deg. CAN
f Operating frequency vanga 40 to 1000 Hz Mounting surface flat, smooth, and greased.
wt Approximate weight 20 (0.71) g (02.)
Case Style 0-34
4" ' t-----eo To use as a Center Tap assembly connect load either to _
at 1: I ' positive or negative output terminal. as desired.
"o- Atty--- AC " - AC AC .
- Current ratings are the same for all three applications.
ii AI I t l l
o- I. _ - - .1 - .0 - -
Circuit B Circuit C Circa it J
Bridge Rauifiar
Center Tap,
Common Cathode
Camar Tap,
Common Anode