100BGQ015 ,15V 100A Schottky Discrete Diode in a PowIRtab packageapplicationsI @ tp = 5 µs sine 5000 AHigh frequency operationFSMUltra low forward voltage dropV @10 ..
100EL11 ,5V ECL 1:2 Differential Fanout BufferFeaturesThe 100EL11 is a 5V 1:2 differential fanout buffer. One dif-
15V 100A Schottky Discrete Diode in a PowIRtab package
ISER Rectifier
Bulletin PD-20995 rev.F 12/02
Major Ratings and Characteristics
100 Amp
Description! Features
. . . The 100BGQO15 Schottky rectifer has been optimized for ultra
Characteristics 100860015 Units low forward voltage drop specifcally for the OR-ing of parallel
power supplies. The proprietary barrier technology allows for
IF(AV) Rectangular waveform 100 A reliable operation up to 125° C junction temperature. Typical
CI applications are in parallel switching power supplies, converters,
@TC 91 C reverse battery protection, and redundant powersubsystems.
|DC Maximum 141 A
V 15 V . 125°C To operation " < 5V)
RRM . Optimized forOR-ing applications
|FSM @tp=5pssine 5000 A . Highfrequencyoperation
VF @100Apk typical 0.38 v . Ultralowfowvardvoltagedrop
@T 125 1. . Continuous HighCurrentoperation
J . Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
T., range -55to125 ''C reliability
. PowIRtabTM package
Case Styles
100BGQ015, 100BGQ015J
Bulletin PD-20995 rev. F 12/02 IDR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 100BGQO15
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) @ TJ = 100 ''C 15
v,, Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) © TJ = 125 ''C 5
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 1OOBGQ Units Conditions
IFW) Max.AverageForwardCurrent 100 A 50%duty cycle@TC=91°C,rectangularwaveform
IHRMS) RMS Forward Current 141 A TC=88°C
IFSM Max.PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 5000 5ps Sine or3ps Rect.pulse 5ollt.owing.p.nyrate.d
A . load condition and
SurgeCurrent 1000 10msSineor6ms Rect. pulse with mted1/RRMapplied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 9 mJ T J=25 °C, |AS=2Amps, L=4.5mH
IAR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 2 A Current decaying linearly to zero in 1 psec
Frequency limited by T: max.VA= 3xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 1OOBGQ Units Conditions
Typ. Max
VFM Forward Voltage Drop (1) (2) 0.34 0.37 V @ 50A T = 25 "C
0.42 0.46 v @ 100A J
0.26 0.29 V @ 50A
0.38 0.42 v @ 100A T, = 125 ''C
IRM Reverse Leakage Current (1) 7 18 mA T J = 25 '"C Va: rate d VR
580 870 mA T J = 100 "C
480 700 mA Tu = 100 'tnf, = 12V
1 1.2 A TJ=125°CVR= 5V
VF(TO) Threshold Voltage 0.155 V T J = T J max.
rt Forward Slope Resistance 2.45 mn
Cr Max. Junction Capacitance 3800 pF VR = 5Voc, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25 "C
LS Typical Series Inductance 3.5 nH Measured from tab to mounting plane
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 VI us
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse VWdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle < 2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications (2) Van = tftro + rtx IF
Parameters 1OOBGQ Units Conditions
T J Max. Junction Temperature Range -5510125 "C
Tstg Max.StorageTemperature Range -55to150 "C
ch Max.ThermaIResistanceJunction 0.50 “CIW DC operation
to Case
Rthcs Typical Thermal Resistance,Case to 0.20 °CNV Mounting surface,smooth and greased
wt Approximate Weight 5(0.18) g(oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 1.2(10) N*m
Max. 2.4(20) (lbt-in)
Case Style PowlRtabTM