100124F ,V(ttl): -0.5 to +7.0V; hex TTL-to-ECL translator
100124F ,V(ttl): -0.5 to +7.0V; hex TTL-to-ECL translator
100158F , Shift Matrix
100164F ,16-Input Multiplexer
100166F , 9-Bit Commparator
100166F , 9-Bit Commparator
13844 , Statshield Moisture Barrier Bags Application Instructions
13844 , Statshield Moisture Barrier Bags Application Instructions
13844 , Statshield Moisture Barrier Bags Application Instructions
13844 , Statshield Moisture Barrier Bags Application Instructions
13NM60N , N-channel 600 V, 0.320 Ω, 10 A PowerFLAT™ (8x8) HV MDmesh™ II Power MOSFET
14001B ,B-Suffix Serise CMOS GatesMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.tTemperature Derating: ..