Partno |
Mfg |
Dc |
Qty |
Available | Descript |
SP522CA |
N/a |
12 |
Low-Cost Programmable Multi-Protocol Transceivers |

SP52-331M 台产
SP522CA , Low-Cost Programmable Multi-Protocol Transceivers
SP524CF , Low-Cost Programmable Multi-Protocol Transceivers
SP5502FKGMPAS , 1.3GHz I2C BUS 4-Address Synthesiser
SP5510NADP , 1.3GHz Bidirectional I2C BUS Controlled Synthesiser
SP5510SNAMP , 1.3GHz Bidirectional I2C BUS Controlled Synthesiser
SSM2134 ,Low Noise Audio Operational AmplifierCHARACTERISTICS at VS = t15V and T, = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.
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SSM2134 ,Low Noise Audio Operational Amplifiercharacteristics are guaranteed over the extended in-
dustrial temperature range of-40oC to +85°C.
SSM2135 ,Dual Single-Supply Audio Operational Amplifiercharacteristicsare enhanced by wide output swing and load drive capability. A*Protected by U. S. Pa ..