Partno |
Mfg |
Dc |
Qty |
Available | Descript |
AD|Analog Devices |
N/a |
2500 |
Micropower RRIO Operational Amplifiers |
ADI|Analog Devices |
N/a |
2000 |
Micropower RRIO Operational Amplifiers |
OP296GSZ-REEL7 , Micropower RRIO Operational Amplifiers
OP296HRU ,Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifiersSPECIFICATIONS (@ V = +3.0 V, V = +1.5 V, T = +258C unless otherwise noted)S CM AParameter Symbol C ..
OP297 ,Dual Low Bias Current Precision Operational AmplifierCHARACTERISTICS S A OP297E OP297F OP297GParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min ..
OP297 ,Dual Low Bias Current Precision Operational Amplifierapplications, including instru-mentation amplifiers, log amplifiers, photodiode preamplifiersPrecis ..
OP297AZ ,Dual Low Bias Current Precision Operational AmplifierSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. D8/21/97 4:00 PMOP297(@ V = 615 V, –408C £ ..
P401 ,400V 40A 2 SCR Traverse Bridge in a PACE-Pak packageApplications include power supplies, control cir-cuits and battery chargers.Major Ratings and Chara ..
P402 ,600V 40A 2 SCR Traverse Bridge in a PACE-Pak packageBulletin I2776 rev. E 04/99P400 SERIESPASSIVATED ASSEMBLED CIRCUIT ELEMENTS
P403 ,800V 40A 2 SCR Traverse Bridge in a PACE-Pak packageApplications include power supplies, control cir-cuits and battery chargers.Major Ratings and Chara ..