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MAX620CWN+ |MAX620CWNMAXN/a6avaiQuad, High-Side MOSFET Driver

MAX620CWN+ ,Quad, High-Side MOSFET DriverFeatures . Wide Operating Voltage Range . Minimum Component Count . Output Voltage Regulat ..
MAX620EWN ,Quad, High-Side MOSFET DriversFeatures . Wide Operating Voltage Range . Minimum Component Count . Output Voltage Regulat ..
MAX620EWN ,Quad, High-Side MOSFET DriversELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = +5V, TA = TM1N10 TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) - r PARAMETER ..
MAX621CPN ,Quad, High-Side MOSFET DriversGeneral Description The MAX620/MAX621 incorporate four MOSFET drivers and a charge-pump high-si ..
MAX6220ASA-2.5 ,Low-Noise, Precision, +2.5V/+4.096V/+5V Voltage ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—(+2.5V)(V = +10V, I = 0mA, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical ..
MAX6220ASA-5.0 ,Low-Noise, Precision, +2.5V/+4.096V/+5V Voltage ReferenceApplicationsHigh-Accuracy Industrial and Process ControlATE EquipmentPrecision Current SourcesOrder ..
MAZY130 ,Small-signal deviceelectrical characteristicsReverse current I V Specified value within part numbers µ AR R3*Temperatu ..
MAZY360 ,Small-signal deviceFeatures•Large power dissipation: P = 1 WD•Zener voltage V : 4.7 V to 51 VZ•Zener voltage allowable ..
MAZZ062H ,Small-signal deviceElectrical characteristics within part numbers T = 25°CaZener operatingZener voltageReverse curren ..
MAZZ068H ,Small-signal deviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Rating Unit*Total power dissipation P 200 mWtot ..
MAZZ082H ,Small-signal deviceelectrical characteristicsZener operating resistance R I Specified value Ωwithin part numbersZ ZRev ..
MAZZ120H ,Small-signal deviceapplications intended.(4) The products and product specifications described in this material are su ..

Quad, High-Side MOSFET Driver
19-4325, Rev 2; 10/94
2AIA] 2fl1itCfLAlA]
Quad, High-Side MOSFET Drivers
General Description
The MAX620/MAX621 incorporate four MOSFET drivers
and a charge-pump high-side power supply to power
high-side switching and control circuits, The charge
pumo delivers a regulated output voltage 11V greater
than Vcc to the drivers, which then translate a
TTL/CMOS ,nput signal to a hor‘inverted cutout that
swings from ground to the nigh-side vo'tage. The out-
puts dnve N-channel FETs in high-side or Tow-side
switching aoplications, including a wide range of line-
and battery-powered applications.
The MAX620/MAX621 are microprocessor compatible and
feature undervoltage lockout capability. This lockout
feature inhibits the FET driver outputs until the high-side
voltage reaches the proper level, as indicated by a
Power-Ready output.
The MAX62O requires three incxpcnsive charge-pump
capacitors, The MAX621 has internal capacitors -no
external comoonents are needed
Portable Computer Battery Load Management
High-Side Power, N-Channel MOSFET Switching
Low-Slde Switching from Low Supply Voltages
Quad-Latching Level Translators
H-Brioge Motor Drivers
. Wide Operating Voltage Range
. Minimum Component Count
. Output Voltage Regulated to Vcc Plus 11V (Typ)
. Low Quiescent Current -. 70pA (Typ)
. Undervollage Lockout
. Power-Ready Output
. Internal Quad Latch
Ordering Information
PART TTilarr.iiAraTE" GIAC/tsir')
_MAxtstn)ciit4 :1C: Iic : I Fla C" Fro J
-rvhA11il02eN, -0fl_c to +70 C) 7 18 Wlde so, "
MAX62OC/D o c, 13 170_C, 7 - 70m J
MAX6OEPN :10 C to .86 c 7 _18 PLasuc DP _
MAXGZCFWNT 7 _110 c ( -866 18 Wide so t
MAX621CPN _0l. J, +730 - 18 Plastc DIP "
mwatgw - :00 15: 8572 I, -TsroF1icrl
'Contact factory for chce specifications
Typical Operating Circuit
Stepper Motor Drivers .6v -
- . . $7 - t
Pin Configurations fl 8 T i,
V): V - T
ll (y, H (Q. 9 LC “W
(J04ryF .0] m MAX620W 13 l., 3047;”
V i , P f I H - mum)
0m Lf . E om 0m j; . 79' our. 15 n 0 T 15 ( -l ,' _
om T yl ow 0mm (ij 0w - Il-)"--) tf-O Lh - f) t
- , T _ "c' _ p CT l
IN i 1 IN 1i3 Ir] url N L...) ( L1+ mm
't L4 MAXIM l W 14 m MAXIM 3] W1 ’i_NLFT‘\V£UT7/' l (r T
Cl 5 MAX620 1 I CE.5 MAX627 m ‘C T» - -il0c0Al)
PH % Ti] 02 PR " 2 VUC C, LT l
GM) 7 ;‘ Vic' own Lt Ci, 3 Im ' \7063'17 - f
v. Ci] 2j' Cl, (Q, g] m (:1. T _ _--" F 1 -T-" TOLOAU
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DIP/SO mp ."
- 5 U GNU PETE _
L , \on MAMi2ll%N]/1lNS01 C2
lVl/l XI/Vl Maximlntegraled Products 1
IS a regtsle'ed trademark of Maxim Integtated Products.
Quad, High-Side MOSFET Drivers
Vcc .. -
PR Output
Inouts and Driver Outputs . T V . _
Contruous Dnver Output Current T
V+ Output Current (MAX620 Only) ........
(GNDOBV) to (v! V. 0 3V)
_ T (GND-OSV) :o (VCC + '0 3V)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70'C)
Operating Temperature Ranges:
MAX62 C - -
MAX62 - E: - - T .....
Storage Temperature Range
Lead Tcmperature($oldering. 10sec) _ _
_ _ meA
(Vcc = +5V, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Plastic DIP (dera(e 8mW/C above '70 C) _ T
Wide so Meme 9 52mW/ C above -7(YC)
_ _ 640mW
OClo +7OC
M0Cto +85C
+300 C
Stresses beyond [hose bsted under "Absolute Ma klmum Ratings" may cause permanent damage lo the dewce These are stress ratings only and functional
operauon of the demos at these or any other Ctprothttons beyond those Indicaled In the operational secr/ons of the specjcatons rs no! lmp/IPd t mosu/e [a
absolute ma wmum ralmg commons for orlended per/oas may affect dewce relrat2wty
l Susply Voltage Vcc - 4 5 16,5 , V
IOUT = o. Vcc = 4 5V
C1--C2=004rfC3---lpF “f 155 175
IOUT " o, Vcc = 16.5V
26.5 27,5 29.5
ngh-Slde Voltage (Note 1) V+ C1 = C2 = 0.01pF, C3 = _Iri_F(Nole2_) 7 V
IOUT = 250pA, Vcc -- 5V,
C1---C2=0047pF,C3--1pr i 15 16 18
|OUT = SOOHA, VCC = 166V,
C1=C2=OO1pF.CS=1pF(Nole2) 26-5 275 295 -
Power-Ready Ihresho‘d PRT IOUT = 100uA Sink (Notes 3, 4) l2 0 13 5 14 5 _V
_Povver-Reauy Output ngh PROH - ISOURCE =_100WA (Note 4) 3 8 4 7 5 O J
Power-Ready Output Low PROL ISINK = 1mA (Note 4) O 1 0.4 k V -
Switching Frequency to low = O, TA--_+25 C - - 70 kHz
Vcc = 5V,
MAX620 C1 = C2 = 0 047pF, C3 = IPF,
_- - TA = wwqi 70 500
Quiescent Supply Current Io MAX621 VCC = w, TA - "sf. ‘OJT = O - pA
Vcc = 16 5V,
MAX620 Cl " C2 = 0.01pE cs = IPF,
TA : +25°C212UT -- 0 (Note 5) g 50 350
MAX621 VCC = ICN, TA -- CSC. locr = O
ic,good price

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