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IDT7205 IDT N/a 185 CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
IDT7205 N/a 10 CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9

IDT7205/L35TP IDT, CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
IDT7205 , CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
IDT7205L15J , CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
IDT7205L15J , CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
IDT7205-L15J , CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
IDT7205L20J , CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2048 x 9, 4096 x 9, 8192 x 9 and 16384 x 9
INA214AIDCKR ,26-V, Bi-Directional, Zero-Drift, High Accuracy, Low-/High-Side, Voltage Out Current Shunt Monitor 6-SC70 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings table....... 6• Changed HBM ESD value (Version A) from 4000 to 2000 V in ESD Rating ..
INA214AIDCKT ,26-V, Bi-Directional, Zero-Drift, High Accuracy, Low-/High-Side, Voltage Out Current Shunt Monitor 6-SC70 -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics table...... 6• Changed Figure 2 to reflect operating temperature range 1 ..
INA214AIRSWR ,26-V, Bi-Directional, Zero-Drift, High Accuracy, Low-/High-Side, Voltage Out Current Shunt Monitor 10-UQFN -40 to 125Maximum Ratings table ....... 6• Changed ESD Ratings table: changed title, changed format to curren ..
ic,good price

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