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HCPL-263N-500E Fast Delivery
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HCPL-263N-500E AVAGO N/a 300 HCMOS Compatible, High CMR, 10 MBd Optocouplers
HCPL-263N-500E Avago/Ag N/a 9610 HCMOS Compatible, High CMR, 10 MBd Optocouplers

HCPL-2640 Agilent
HCPL-2640 HP
HCPL-263N-500E , HCMOS Compatible, High CMR, 10 MBd Optocouplers
HCPL270L ,Low Input Current High Gain LVTTL/LVCMOS Compatible 3.3 V OptocouplersFeatures• Low power consumption• High current transfer ratio• Low input current requirements –0.5 m ..
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HCPL2730 ,Dual Channel Low Input Current, High Gain Optocouplersapplicationstransfer ratio (CTR) reduce the where a high fanout is required.These dual channel opto ..
HD74HC02TELL , Quad. 2-input NOR Gates
HD74HC02TELL , Quad. 2-input NOR Gates
HD74HC04FPEL , Hex Inverters
ic,good price

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