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BTA416Y-800C |BTA416Y800CNXPN/a1153avai3Q Hi-Com Triac

BTA416Y-800C ,3Q Hi-Com TriacApplications Electronic thermostats (heating and cooling) High power motor controls e.g. vacuum c ..
BTA41-700B ,Standard triac, 40Ampere, 700VFEATURES. HIGH SURGE CURRENT CAPABILITY. COMMUTATION : (dV/dt)c > 10V/μs. BTA Family :INSULATING VO ..
BTA41800B ,Standard triac, 40Ampere, 800VABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitI RMS on-state current RD91 AT(RMS)Tc = 80°C(ful ..
BTA41-800B ,Standard triac, 40Ampere, 800Vapplications such as static relays,heating regulation, water heaters, induction motorstarting circu ..
BTB04-600 ,SENSITIVE GATE TRIACSFEATURESn Very low I = 10mA maxGTn Low I = 15mA maxHGn BTA Family:A1Insulating voltage = 2500V(RMS) ..
BZX84C16 ,350mW ZENER DIODE 3.3 VOLTS THRU 33 VOLTS 5% TOLERANCEAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25

3Q Hi-Com Triac
Product profile1.1 General description
Planar passivated high commutation three quadrant triac in a SOT78D (TO-220AB)
plastic package intended for use in circuits where high static and dynamic dV/dt and high
dI/dt can occur. This "series C" triac will commutate the full RMS current at the maximum
rated junction temperature without the aid of a snubber. This device has high junction
temperature operating capability and an internally isolated mounting base.
1.2 Features and benefits
2500 V RMS isolation voltage
capability 3Q technology for improved noise
immunity High commutation capability with
maximum false trigger immunity High immunity to false turn-on by dV/dt High junction temperature operating
capability High surge capability High voltage capability Internally insulated package Internally isolated mounting base Planar passivated for voltage
ruggedness and reliability Triggering in three quadrants only
1.3 Applications
Electronic thermostats (heating and
cooling) High power motor controls e.g.
vacuum cleaners Rectifier-fed DC inductive loads e.g.
DC motors and solenoids A416Y-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac
Rev. 3 — 24 June 2011 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors BT A416Y-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac
1.4 Quick reference data
Pinning information Ordering information
Table 1. Quick reference data

VDRM repetitive peak off-state
voltage - 800 V
ITSM non-repetitive peak
on-state current
full sine wave; Tj(init) =25°C; =20 ms; see Figure 4; see Figure 5 - 160 A
IT(RMS) RMS on-state current full sine wave; Tmb≤ 108 °C;
see Figure 1; see Figure 2; see Figure 3
--16 A
Static characteristics

IGT gate trigger current VD =12V; IT= 0.1 A; T2+ G+; =25°C; see Figure 7 35 mA =12V; IT= 0.1 A; T2+ G-; =25°C; see Figure 7 35 mA =12V; IT= 0.1 A; T2- G-; =25°C; see Figure 7 35 mA
Table 2. Pinning information
Table 3. Ordering information

BTA416Y-800C TO-220AB plastic single-ended package; isolated heatsink mounted;
1 mounting hole; 3-lead TO-220
NXP Semiconductors BT A416Y-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac Limiting values

Table 4. Limiting values

In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
VDRM repetitive peak off-state voltage - 800 V
IT(RMS) RMS on-state current full sine wave; Tmb≤ 108 °C;
see Figure 1; see Figure 2; see Figure 3
-16 A
ITSM non-repetitive peak on-state
full sine wave; Tj(init) =25°C; =20 ms; see Figure 4; see Figure 5 160 A
full sine wave; Tj(init) =25°C; =16.7ms 176 A2 tI2 t for fusing tp=10 ms; sine-wave pulse - 128 A2s
dIT/dt rate of rise of on-state current IT =20A; IG= 0.2 A; dIG/dt= 0.2 A/µs - 100 A/µs
IGM peak gate current - 4 A
PGM peak gate power - 5 W
PG(AV) average gate power over any 20 ms period - 1 W
Tstg storage temperature -40 150 °C junction temperature - 150 °C
NXP Semiconductors BT A416Y-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac
NXP Semiconductors BT A416Y-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac Thermal characteristics

Table 5. Thermal characteristics

Rth(j-mb) thermal resistance from
junction to mounting base
full cycle; see Figure 6 --1.9 K/W
Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from
junction to ambient
in free air - 60 - K/W
NXP Semiconductors BT A416Y-800C
3Q Hi-Com Triac Isolation characteristics
Table 6. Isolation characteristics

Visol(RMS) RMS isolation voltage from all terminals to external heatsink;
sinusoidal waveform; clean and dust
free ; 50Hz≤f≤60 Hz; RH≤65 %;
Tmb =25°C - 2500 V
Cisol isolation capacitance from main terminal 2 to external
heatsink; f=1 MHz; Tmb =25°C
-10 -pF
Table 7. Characteristics
Static characteristics

IGT gate trigger current VD =12V; IT= 0.1 A; T2+ G+; =25°C; see Figure 7 35 mA =12V; IT= 0.1 A; T2+ G-; =25°C; see Figure 7 35 mA =12V; IT= 0.1 A; T2- G-; =25°C; see Figure 7 35 mA latching current VD =12V; IG= 0.1 A; T2+ G+; =25°C; see Figure 8
--50 mA =12V; IG= 0.1 A; T2+ G-; =25°C; see Figure 8
--60 mA =12V; IG= 0.1 A; T2- G-; =25°C; see Figure 8
--50 mA holding current VD =12V; Tj =25 °C; see Figure 9 --35 mA on-state voltage IT =20A; Tj=25 °C; see Figure 10 -1.2 1.5 V
VGT gate trigger voltage VD =12V; IT= 0.1 A; Tj =25°C;
see Figure 11
-0.7 1.5 V =400 V; IT= 0.1 A; Tj= 150°C 0.25 0.4 - V off-state current VD =800 V; Tj= 125°C - 0.1 0.5 mA =800 V; Tj= 150°C - 0.4 2 mA
Dynamic characteristics

dVD/dt rate of rise of off-state
VDM =536 V; Tj= 125 °C; exponential
waveform; gate open circuit
500 - - V/µs
VDM =536 V; Tj= 150 °C; exponential
waveform; gate open circuit
300 - - V/µs
dIcom/dt rate of change of
commutating current =400 V; Tj= 125 °C; IT(RMS) =16A;
dVcom/dt=20 V/µs; (without snubber
condition); gate open circuit --A/ms =400 V; Tj= 150 °C; IT(RMS) =16A;
dVcom/dt=20 V/µs; (without snubber
condition); gate open circuit --A/ms
tgt gate-controlled turn-on
ITM =20A; VD= 800 V; IG= 100 mA;
dIG/dt=5 A/µs -µs
ic,good price

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