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Home ›  BB17 > BF998-BF998R,Silicon N-channel dual-gate MOS-FETs
BF998-BF998R Fast Delivery,Good Price
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BF998VISHAYN/a10000avaiSilicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode (Short-channel transistor with high S/C quality factor For low-noise, gain-controlled input stages up to 1 GHz)
BF998RVISHAYN/a885000avaiSilicon N-channel dual-gate MOS-FETs

BF998R ,Silicon N-channel dual-gate MOS-FETsRev. 4, 23-Jun-991 (8)BF998/BF998R/BF998RWVishay SemiconductorsMaximum Thermal ResistanceT = 25

N-Channel Dual Gate MOS‐Fieldeffect Tetrode, Depletion Mode
Vishay Semiconductors

Document Number 85011
N–Channel Dual Gate MOS-Fieldeffect Tetrode,
Depletion Mode

Electrostatic sensitive device.
Observe precautions for handling.

Input and mixer stages in UHF tuners.
Integrated gate protection diodes Low noise figure Low feedback capacitance High cross modulation performance Low input capacitance High AGC-range High gain3
BF998 Marking: MO
Plastic case (SOT 143)
1 = Source, 2 = Drain, 3 = Gate 2, 4 = Gate 1 1
BF998R Marking: MOR
Plastic case (SOT 143R)
1 = Source, 2 = Drain, 3 = Gate 2, 4 = Gate 1 14
13 56613 654
BF998RW Marking: WMO
Plastic case (SOT 343R)
1 = Source, 2 = Drain, 3 = Gate 2, 4 = Gate 1
Absolute Maximum Ratings

Tamb = 25 C, unless otherwise specified
ic,good price

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