Partno |
Mfg |
Dc |
Qty |
Available | Descript |
AD9866BCPZ |
AD|Analog Devices |
N/a |
6 |
Broadband Modem Mixed-Signal Front End |
AD9866BCPZ |
ADI|Analog Devices |
N/a |
100 |
Broadband Modem Mixed-Signal Front End |

AD9870AST AD,Specifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. 0AD9870ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Parameter With Respect to Min Max UnitVDDF, VDDA, VDDC, VDDD ..
AD9870AST ,FEATURES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION10 MHz–300 MHz Input Frequency The AD9870 is a general-purpose IF subsystem that digitizes aBaseband (I/Q) Digital Output ..
AD9866BCPZ , Broadband Modem Mixed-Signal Front End
AD9870AST ,IF Digitizing SubsystemSPECIFICATIONS VDDP = 5.0 V, CLK = 18 MSPS, F = 73.35 MHz, F = 71.1 MHz, unless otherwise noted.)IF ..
AD9873JS ,Analog Front End Converter for Set-Top Box, Cable ModemCharacteristics . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Op Amp Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
AD9874ABST ,Low Power IF Digitizing SubsystemSPECIFICATIONS (VDDI = VDDF = VDDA = VDDC = VDDL = VDDD = VDDH = 2.7 V to 3.6 V,1VDDQ = VDDP = 2.7 ..
AD9874BST ,IF Digitizing SubsystemSPECIFICATIONS (VDDI = VDDF = VDDA = VDDC = VDDL = VDDD = VDDH = 2.7 to 3.6 V,1VDDQ = VDDP = 2.7 V ..
ADSP-21060KS-160 ,ADSP-2106x SHARC DSP Microcomputer FamilySPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Figure 18a. Synchronous REDY Timing ..
ADSP21060KS-160 ,ADSP-2106x SHARC DSP Microcomputer FamilyFEATURES40 MIPS, 25 ns Instruction Rate, Single-Cycle Instruction4 Mbit On-Chip SRAMExecutionDual-P ..
ADSP-21060L ,SHARC, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3 v, floating pointFEATURES40 MIPS, 25 ns Instruction Rate, Single-Cycle Instruction4 Mbit On-Chip SRAMExecutionDual-P ..