Partno |
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Available | Descript |
AD704JNZ |
ADI|Analog Devices |
N/a |
1600 |
Picoampere Input Current Quad Bipolar Op Amp |

AD704JR ADI,Quad Picoampere Input CurrentaBipolar Op AmpAD704
AD704JNZ , Picoampere Input Current Quad Bipolar Op Amp
AD704JR ,Quad Picoampere Input Current Bipolar Op AmpSPECIFICATIONS(@ T = +258C, V = 0 V, and 615 V dc, unless otherwise noted)A CMModel AD704J/A AD704K ..
AD704KN ,Quad Picoampere Input Current Bipolar Op AmpCHARACTERISTICSOffset Voltage 250 130 150 μVT –T 400 200 250 μVMIN MAX2Input Bias Current 500 300 4 ..
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ADC12034CIMSA ,Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with MUX and Sample/HoldApplicationsn Medical instrumentsThe ADC12030, and ADC12H030 families are 12-bit plussignsuccessive ..
ADC12034CIN ,Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with MUX and Sample/HoldFeaturestively.The differential multiplexer outputs andA/D inputs aren Serial I/O (MICROWIRE Compat ..