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AD5645RBCPZ-REEL7,mfg:AD, Quad, 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDACs with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C Interface
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AD|Analog Devices |
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12633 |
Quad, 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDACs with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C Interface |
AD5645RBCPZ-REEL7 , Quad, 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDACs with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C Interface
AD5647RBCPZ-REEL7 , Dual, 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDACs® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C® Interface
AD565AJD ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A ConvertersSPECIFICATIONSA CC EEAD565AJ AD565AKModel Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units1DATA INPUTS (Pins 13 to 24) ..
AD565AJR ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A ConvertersSPECIFICATIONSA CC EEAD565AJ AD565AKModel Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units1DATA INPUTS (Pins 13 to 24) ..
AD565AKD ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A ConvertersSpecifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Resul ..
AD9726BSV , 16-Bit, 600 MSPS D/A Converter
AD9726BSVZ ,16-Bit, 600 MSPS TxDAC+® D/A ConverterAPPLICATIONS CLK+Instrumentation and test CLK–Wideband communications systems Point-to-point wirel ..
AD9726BSVZ ,16-Bit, 600 MSPS TxDAC+® D/A ConverterFEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM600+ MSPS DAC update rate FSADJ16/14/12/10-bit resolution family C ..