Partno |
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Available | Descript |
AD534JDZ |
AD|Analog Devices |
N/a |
25 |
Internally Trimmed Precision IC Multiplier |

AD534JH ,specifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface are tested3Irreducible component due to nonlinearity: excludes effect of offsets ..
AD534JDZ , Internally Trimmed Precision IC Multiplier
AD534JH ,Internally Trimmed Precision IC Multiplierspecifications previously foundonly in expensive hybrid or modular products. A maximum18NC 4 OUTmul ..
AD534KD ,Internally Trimmed Precision IC MultiplierSPECIFICATIONS (@ T = + 258C, 6V = 15 V, R ‡ 2kV)A SModel AD534J AD534K AD534LMin Typ Max Min Typ M ..
AD534KD ,Internally Trimmed Precision IC MultiplierAPPLICATIONS(Not To Scale)(Not to Scale)5 10 Z2NCY1 Z1High Quality Analog Signal Processing6 9 NCY1 ..
AD534LD ,Internally Trimmed Precision IC MultiplierFEATURESPretrimmed to 60.25% max 4-Quadrant Error (AD534L)TO-100 (H-10A) TO-116 (D-14)All Inputs (X ..
AD9255BCPZRL7-80 , 14-Bit, 125 MSPS/105 MSPS/80 MSPS
AD9260AS ,High-Speed Oversampling CMOS ADC with 16-Bit Resolution at a 2.5 MHz Output Word RateSPECIFICATIONS unless otherwise noted, R = 2 k)BIAS Parameter—Decimation Factor (N) AD9260 (8) AD9 ..
AD9262 ,16-Bit, 2.5 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz, 30 MSPS to 160 MSPS Dual Continuous Time Sigma-Delta ADCfeatures and characteris-PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS tics unique to the continuous time - architecture sig ..