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90136-1106,mfg:MOLEX, 2.54mm (.100) Pitch C-Grid III™ Header, Single Row, Vertical, Shrouded, 6 Circuits, 4μm (160μ) Tin/Lead (Sn) over Nickel (Ni)
Partno |
Mfg |
Dc |
Qty |
Available | Descript |
90136-1106 |
N/a |
720 |
2.54mm (.100) Pitch C-Grid III™ Header, Single Row, Vertical, Shrouded, 6 Circuits, 4μm (160μ) Tin/Lead (Sn) over Nickel (Ni) |
90136-1106 |
N/a |
720 |
2.54mm (.100) Pitch C-Grid III™ Header, Single Row, Vertical, Shrouded, 6 Circuits, 4μm (160μ) Tin/Lead (Sn) over Nickel (Ni) |
9080A , 8-Bit Microprocessor
90DD0W , 2A/1A Fixed Output LDO Regulators
90MT120K ,THREE PHASE BRIDGEapplications.Major Ratings and CharacteristicsParameters 90MT.KB 110MT.KB UnitsI 90 (120) 110 (150) ..
90MT160K ,THREE PHASE BRIDGEFeaturesPackage fully compatible with the industry standard INT-A-pak power modules series90 AHigh ..
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