XC56301PW66 ,V(cc): -0.3 to +4.0V; 10mA; High density CMOS with transistor- transistor logic (TTL) compatible inputs and outputsMaximum RatingsRating1 Symbol Valuel' 2 UnitSupply Voltage -1 VCC -0.3 to +4.0 t VAll input voltage ..
XC56309PV100A , 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor
XC6109C20ANR , Voltage Detector with Delay Type Capacitor
XC6109C22ANR , Voltage Detector with Delay Type Capacitor
XC6109C23ANR , Voltage Detector with Delay Type Capacitor
XC6109C27ANR , Voltage Detector with Delay Type Capacitor
XPC8240RVV250E , Modified voltage specifications to achieve 250 MHz
XPC8240RVV250E , Modified voltage specifications to achieve 250 MHz
XPC8240RVV250E , Modified voltage specifications to achieve 250 MHz
XPC8255ZUIFBC , PowerQUICC II Integrated Communications Processor Hardware Specifications
XPC850CZT50B ,50MHz; V(ddh): -0.3 to +4V; communication controllerThermal Characteristics” 7Part IV, “
XPC850CZT50BU ,50MHz; V(ddh): -0.3 to +4V; communication controllerFeatures” 3Part III, “Electrical and
V(cc): -0.3 to +4.0V; 10mA; High density CMOS with transistor- transistor logic (TTL) compatible inputs and outputs
maximum ratings are stress ratings only, and fip1stional operatlon at the maximum is notguaranteed. Stress beyond the maximum rating may affecE device rehablhty or cause permanentdamage to the device.3. CAUTION: A11 "5 V Tolerant" input voltages canp6t be more than 3. iji" V greater than the supplyvoltage; this restriction applies to' 'power on", as Welias during normal operation. In any case, theinput voltages can not be more than 5. 75 V. ('s V Tolerant” inputs are inputs that tolerate 5 V..1“:THERMAL CHARACTERlsTlQii,Table 2-2 Thenhal Characteristicsm.N-,characterisrtitl"r,a, (ss, ",,: _,'";''" Symbol $?le 13::3 $333: Unitr Junction-to-amber", thermal _r'cyiiiiiti'ie1 Re] A or ' 49.5 48.4 L 25.2 ''C/ WJunction-to-Sire thermai res [(ftancez + Rar: or ow: 7.2 9 - L "C/ WThermal characterlzation-pai'ameter 'hr 4.7 5 - "C / W _oiiiiii, 0n"-’tO-ambient thermal resistance IS based on measurements on a horizontal single-sidedprintéa circuit board per SEMI G38-87i m natural convection. (SEMI IS Semiconductor Equipment and_ sr' Matérials International, 805 East Middlefield Rd., Mountain View, CA 94043, (415) 964- 5111)"s 1. 2. Junction-to-case thermal resistance is based on measurements using a cold plate per SEMI G30-88,, with the exception that the cold plate temperature is used for the case temperature.These are simulated values. Test board has bounce copper traces routed to the outer row of balls.These are simulated values. The test board has two, bounce signal layers and two 1-ounce solidground planes internal to the test board._____1Notesr- l .Preliminary Data2-2 DSP56301 Technical Data sheet, Rev. 1 MOTOROLAI 5357296 015?D?5 5714 ISpecificationsDC