X9315 ,Single 32 tap XDCP potentiometer, low power increment/decrement interface, single supply
X93154UM8IZ-3 , Digitally Controlled Potentiometer(XDCP™)
X93154UM8IZ-3 , Digitally Controlled Potentiometer(XDCP™)
X93156UM8I-2.7 , Single Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™)
X93156UM8IZ-2.7 , Single Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP™)
X9315UM-2.7 , Low Noise, Low Power, 32 Taps
XC7336 ,36-Macrocell CMOS EPLDblock diagram ofcan be individually controlled by one of two dedicatedthe High-Density FB is shown ..
XC7336-15 ,36-Macrocell CMOS EPLDfeatures a power-management scheme The XC7336 has a multibit security system that controlswhich per ..
XC7336-7 ,36-Macrocell CMOS EPLDBlock Diagram2-23This document was created with FrameMaker402AND ARRAY AND ARRAYAND ARRAY AND ARRAY ..
XC7354 ,XC7300 CMOS EPLD FamilyBlock Diagrammize power dissipation. Designers can operate speed-criti- each Fast Function Block. E ..
XC7354 ,XC7300 CMOS EPLD Familyfeatures to implement complex functions with pre-• 100% interconnect matrix dictable timing for add ..
XC7372 ,XC7300 CMOS EPLD Familyfeatures to specify high-performance or low-poweroperation on an individual Macrocell-by-Macrocell ..