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Wideband 420MHz, >40dB Gain Adjust Range, Linear in V/V Variable Gain Amplifier
Frequency (Hz) 10M 1G100M
Initial Frequency Response
of the VCA824 with RC Load
Equalized Frequency Response
Sample &
Support &
VCA824 Ultra-Wideband,> 40-dB Gain Adjust Range, Linearin V/V Variable Gain AmplifierThe VCA824 internal architecture consists
1 Featuresinput buffers andan output current feedback amplifier 710-MHz Small-Signal Bandwidth(G=2 V/V) stage integrated witha multiplier coreto providea• 320 MHz, 4-VPP Bandwidth(G=10 V/V) complete variable gain amplifier (VGA) system that
does not require external buffering. The maximum• 0.1-dB Gain Flatnessto 135 MHz
gainis set externally with two resistors, providing• 2500-V/μs Slew Rate flexibilityin designs. The maximum gainis intended• > 40-dB Gain Adjust Range to be set between2 V/V and40 V/V. Operating from
±5-V supplies, the gain control voltage for the• High Gain Accuracy: 20-dB ±0.3-dB
VCA824 adjusts the gain linearlyin V/Vas the control• High Output Current: ±90 mA voltage varies from1Vto –1V. For example, set for maximum gainof 10 V/V, the VCA824 provides 10
2 Applications V/V,at 1-V input,to 0.1 V/Vat –1-V inputof gain Differential Line Receivers control range. The VCA824 offers excellent gain
linearity. Fora 20-dB maximum gain, anda gain-• Differential Equalizers control input voltage varying between0V and1V,• Pulse Amplitude Compensation the gain does not deviate by more than ±0.3-dB• Variable Attenuators (maximumat 25°C). Voltage-tunable Active Filters
Device Information(1)3 DescriptionThe VCA824isa DC-coupled, wideband, linear-inV/V, continuously variable, voltage-controlled gain
amplifier. The device providesa differential inputto (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumatsingle-ended conversion witha high-impedance the endofthe data sheet.control input usedto vary the gain down 40 dB
the nominal maximum gain set by the gain resistor
(RG) and feedback resistor (RF).
Differential Equalizer Differential Equalizationof an RC Load