USB1T1102MHX ,Universal Serial Bus Peripheral Transceiver with Voltage RegulatorFeaturesThis chip provides a USB Transceiver functionality with a
Universal Serial Bus Peripheral Transceiver with Voltage Regulator
USB1T1102 Universal Serial Bus Peripheral Transceiver with Voltage Regulator August 2004 Revised October 2004 USB1T1102 Universal Serial Bus Peripheral Transceiver with Voltage Regulator General Description Features This chip provides a USB Transceiver functionality with aComplies with Universal Serial Bus Specification 2.0 voltage regulator that is compliant to USB SpecificationIntegrated 5V to 3.3V voltage regulator for powering Rev 2.0. this integrated 5V to 3.3V regulator allows inter- VBus facing of USB Application specific devices with supply volt- Utilizes digital inputs and outputs to transmit and receive ages ranging from 1.65V to 3.6V with the physical layer of USB cable data Universal Serial Bus. It is capable of operating at 12Mbits/s Supports full speed (12Mbits/s) data rates (full speed) data rates and hence is fully compliant to USB Specification Rev 2.0. The Vbusmon pin allows for monitor-Ideal for portable electronic devices ing the Vbus line.MLP technology package (16 pin) with HBCC footprint The USB1T1102 also provides exceptional ESD protection15kV contact HBM ESD protection on bus pins with 15kV contact HBM on D+, D− pins. Ordering Code: Order Number Package Number Package Description USB1T1102MPX MLP14D 14-Terminal Molded Leadless Package (MLP), 2.5mm Square USB1T1102RMPX MLP14D 14-Terminal Molded Leadless Package (MLP), 2.5mm Square (Preliminary) USB1T1102MHX MLP16HB 16-Terminal Molded Leadless Package (MHBCC), JEDEC MO-217, 3mm Square USB1T1102RMHX MLP16HB 16-Terminal Molded Leadless Package (MHBCC), JEDEC MO-217, 3mm Square (Preliminary) Logic Diagram Note: On the USB1T1102R (Preliminary) the 1.5k resistor is integrated into the part, and connects V and D+ eliminating the need for this external pull-up resistor. PU © 2004 DS500877