UPD17P136AGT ,4-bit single-chip microcontroller
UPD17P137AGT ,4-bit single-chip microcontroller
UPD17P149CT ,4-bit single-chip microcontrollerNEC
User’s Manual
17K Series
4-bit Singlechip Microcontrollers
Document ..
UPD17P149GT ,4-bit single-chip microcontrollerapplications of
a device depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers mustcheck the ..
UPD17P202AGF-001-3BE ,OTP version 4-bit single-chip microcontrollerfeatures.
NEC devices are classified into the following three quatity grades:
“Standard", "Sp ..
UPD17P202AGF-002-3BE ,OTP version 4-bit single-chip microcontrollerfeatures.
NEC devices are classified into the following three quatity grades:
“Standard", "Sp ..
UPD75P3018AGC-3B9 ,4-bit single-chip microcomputerapplications of
a device depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the ..
UPD75P3018AGK-BE9 ,4-bit single-chip microcomputerjustAimagine
W / /The uPD754144, 754244, and 754264 are manufactured and sol ..
UPD75P3018AGK-BE9 ,4-bit single-chip microcomputerapplications of
a device depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the ..
UPD75P3018GC-3B9 ,4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERfeatures expanded ROMcapacity.Because the μPD75P3018 supports programming by users, it is suitable ..
UPD75P3018GK-BE9 ,4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERBLOCK DIAGRAM ...... 53. PIN FUNCTIONS 63.1 Port Pins .... 63.2 Non-port Pins ..... 83.3 Pin Input ..
UPD75P3036GC-3B9 ,4-bit single-chip microcomputer