UCC28089D ,Primary Side Push-Pull driver with Dead-time ControlUCC28089SLUS623A -- SEPTEMBER 2004 -- REVISED AUGUST 2006ELECTRICALCHARACTERISTICS:T =--40°Cto105°C ..
UCC28089DR ,Primary Side Push-Pull driver with Dead-time ControlFEATURES APPLICATIONSD Push-PullOscillatorWithProgrammable D HighEfficiencyCascadedConvertersDeadti ..
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Primary Side Push-Pull driver with Dead-time Control
FEATURES Push-Pull Oscillator With ProgrammableDeadtime High-Current Totem-Pole Dual Output StageDrives Push-Pull Configuration with 1-A Sinkand 0.5-A Source Capability Can be Usedin Push-Pull, Half-Bridge,orFull-Bridge Topologies Oscillator Synchronization Output Low Start-Up Currentof 130 μAand
1.4-mATypical Run Current Over-Current Shutdown Digitally Controlled Over-Current/RetryFeature Undervoltage Lockout With Hysteresis
APPLICATIONS High Efficiency Cascaded Converters Inverters Electronic Ballasts Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) ACor DC Links
DESCRIPTIONThe UCC28089isa versatile BiCMOS controller fordc-to-dcor off-line fixed-frequency switching powersupplies. The UCC28089 has dual alternating outputstagesin dual-alternating push-pull configuration. Bothoutputs switchat half the oscillator frequency usingatoggle flip-flop and dutycycleis limitedtoless than 50%.
VIN =48V
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