UC3853DTR ,High Power-Factor PreregulatorBLOCK DIAGRAMUDG-94120-111/97UC1853UC2853UC3853ABSOLUTE
UC3853N ,High Power-Factor PreregulatorUC1853UC2853UC3853High Power Factor PreregulatorDESCRIPTION
UC3853NG4 ,High Power Factor Preregulator 8-PDIP 0 to 70features anovervoltage protection comparator, a clamped MOSFET gate driver which• Overvoltage Prote ..
UC3854ADW ,Enhanced High Power Factor PreregulatorSLUS329E–MONTH 2003–REVISED JANUARY 2008RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSover operating free-air tem ..
UC3854ADWTRG4 ,Enhanced High Power Factor Preregulator 16-SOIC 0 to 70FEATURESDESCRIPTION• Controls Boost PWM to Near-Unity PowerFactorThe UC3854A/B products are pin com ..
UC3854AN ,Enhanced High Power Factor PreregulatorSLUS329E–MONTH 2003–REVISED JANUARY 2008These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The lea ..
UN5114 ,Composite DeviceFeatures• Costs can be reduced through downsizing of the equipment andreduction of the number of pa ..
UN5114 ,Composite DeviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Rating UnitCollector-base voltage (Emitter open ..
UN5115 ,Composite DeviceTransistors with built-in ResistorUNR511x Series (UN511x Series)Silicon PNP epitaxial planar typeUn ..
UN5116 ,Composite DeviceFeatures• Costs can be reduced through downsizing of the equipment andreduction of the number of pa ..
UN5116 ,Composite DeviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C ± 3°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitCollector-ba ..
UN5117 ,Composite DeviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C ± 3°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitCollector-ba ..
High Power-Factor Preregulator
UC3853The UC3853 provides simple, yet high performance active power factor
correction. Using the same control techniqueas the UC1854, this 8-pin de-
vice exploitsa simplified architecture and an internal oscillatorto minimize
external component count. The UC3853 incorporatesa precision multi-
plier/squarer/divider circuit, voltage and current loop error amplifiers, anda
precision voltage referenceto implement average current mode control
with RMS line voltage compensation. This control technique maintains con-
stant loop gain with changesin input voltage, which minimizes input line
current distortion over the worldwide input voltage range.
The internal 75kHz oscillator includesan external clock input, allowing syn-
chronizationto downstream converters. Additionally, the device featuresan
overvoltage protection comparator,a clamped MOSFET gate driver which
self-biases low during undervoltage lockout, and low startup and supply
These devices are availablein 8-pin plastic and ceramic dual in-line (DIP)
packages, and 8-lead small outline (SOIC) packages. The UC1853is
specified for operation from –55°Cto +125°C, the UC2853is specified for
operation from –25°Cto +85°C, and the UC3853is specified for operation
from 0°Cto +70°C.
High Power Factor Preregulator Complete 8-pin Power Factor
Solution Reduced External Components RMS Line Voltage Compensation Precision Multiplier/Squarer/Divider Internal 75kHz Synchronizable
Oscillator Average Current Mode PWM
Control Overvoltage Protection Comparator High Current, Clamped Gate Driver