UC3770AN ,High Performance Stepper Motor Drive CircuitUC3770AUC3770BHigh Performance Stepper Motor Drive Circuit
UC3770AQ ,High Performance Stepper Motor Drive CircuitUC3770AUC3770BHigh Performance Stepper Motor Drive Circuit
UC3770BN ,High Performance Stepper Motor Drive CircuitELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (cont.): (All tests apply with VM = 36V, VCC = 5V, VR = 5V, No Load, and ..
UC3770BN ,High Performance Stepper Motor Drive CircuitFEATURESDESCRIPTION• Full-Step, Half-Step and Micro-Step The UC3770A and UC3770B are high-performan ..
UC3823ADW ,High Speed PWM ControllerSLUS334E − AUGUST 1995 − REVISED SEPTEMBER 2010These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. ..
UC3823ADWTR ,High Speed PWM ControllerFEATURES DESCRIPTION Improved Versions of the UC3823/UC3825The UC3823A and UC3823B and the UC3825A ..
UMG10N , General purpose (dual digital transistors)
UMG11N , Emitter common (dual digital transistors)
UMG1N , General purpose (dual digital transistors)
UMG1N , General purpose (dual digital transistors)
UMG2 N TR , NPN 100mA 50V Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors)
UMG2 NTR , NPN 100mA 50V Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors)
High Performance Stepper Motor Drive Circuit
BLOCK DIAGRAM Full-Step, Half-Step and Micro-Step
Capability. Bipolar Output Current up to 2A. Wide Range of Motor Supply Voltage:
10–50V Low Saturation Voltage Wide Range of Current Control: 5mA–2A. Current Levels Selected in Steps or Varied
Continuously. Thermal Protection and Soft Intervention.
The UC3770A and UC3770B are high-performance full bridge driv-
ers that offer higher current and lower saturation voltage than the
UC3717 and the UC3770. Includedin these devices are LS-TTL
compatible logic inputs, current sense, monostable, thermal shut-
down, anda power H-bridge output stage. Two UC3770As or
UC3770Bs anda few external components forma complete micro-
processor-controllable stepper motor power system.
Unlike the UC3717, the UC3770A and the UC3770B require exter-
nal high-side clamp diodes. The UC3770A and UC3770B are
identicalin all regards except for the current sense thresholds.
Thresholds for the UC3770A are identicalto thoseof the older
UC3717 permitting drop-in replacement in applications where
high-side diodes are not required. Thresholdsfor the UC3770B are
tailored for half stepping applications where 50%, 71%, and 100%
current levels are desirable.
The UC3770A and UC3770B are specified for operation from 0°C
to 70°C ambient.
UC3770BHigh Performance Stepper Motor Drive Circuit