UC3715DP ,Complementary Switch FET Drivers with Auxiliary OutputBLOCK DIAGRAM2PWR50ns ±500nsTIMERINPUT 6SQT1 7RUC1714VREFONLY4 AUX50ns ±500nsTIMER1 VCCSQV5V LOGIC ..
UC3715DTR ,Complementary Switch FET Drivers with Auxiliary OutputFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThese two families of high speed drivers are• Single Input (PWM and TTL Compati ..
UC3715NG4 , Complementary Switch FET Drivers
UC3715NG4 , Complementary Switch FET Drivers
UC3717 ,Stepper Motor Drive Circuit
UC3717AN ,Stepper Motor Drive CircuitMAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1)Voltage Logic Supply, VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
UMF21 N , Power management (dual transistors)
UMF21N , Power management (dual transistors)
UMF22N , Power management (dual transistors)
UMF23N , Power management (dual transistors)
UMF28N , Power management (dual transistors)
UMF4N , Power management (dual transistors)
Complementary Switch FET Drivers with Auxiliary Output
50ns ±500ns
50ns ±500ns
UC1714, UC1715, UC2714
UC2715, UC3714, UC3715
www.ti.com SLUS170B –FEBRUARY 1999–REVISED MAY 2013
Complementary Switch FET Drivers
Checkfor Samples: UC1714, UC1715, UC2714, UC2715, UC3714, UC3715
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThese two families of high speed drivers are
• Single Input (PWM and TTL Compatible) designed to provide drive waveforms for
• High-Current Power FET Driver, 1-A Source complementary switches. Complementary switch
and 2-A Sink configurations are commonly usedin synchronous
Auxiliary Output FET Driver, 0.5-A Source and rectification circuits and active clamp/reset circuits,
which provide zero voltage switching. In order to
1-A Sinkfacilitate the soft switching transitions, independently
• Time Delays Between Power and Auxiliary programmable delays between the two output
Outputs Independently Programmable from50 waveforms are provided on these drivers. The delay
to 500-ns pins also have true-zero voltage-sensing capability
Time Delayor True Zero-Voltage Operation which allows immediate activation of the
Independently Configurable for Each Output corresponding switch when zero voltageis applied.
These devices requirea PWM-type inputto operate
• Switching Frequencyto1 MHz and interface with commonly available PWM
• Typical 50-ns Propagation Delays controllers.
ENBL Pin Activates 220-μA Sleep Mode In the UC1714 series, the AUX outputis invertedto
• Power Outputis Active-Lowin Sleep Mode allow drivinga p-channel MOSFET.In the UC1715
Synchronous Rectifier Driver series, the two outputs are configured ina true
complementary fashion.