UC37133D ,High Side Smart Power SwitchMAXIMUM RATINGSVCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
UC3714D ,Complementary Switch FET DriversMAXIMUM RATINGSMIN MAX UNITAuxiliary Driver IOH continuous –100 mApeak –500 mAAuxiliary Driver IOL ..
UC3714D ,Complementary Switch FET DriversBLOCK DIAGRAM2PWR50ns ±500nsTIMERINPUT 6SQT1 7RUC1714VREFONLY4 AUX50ns ±500nsTIMER1 VCCSQV5V LOGIC ..
UC3714D ,Complementary Switch FET DriversELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Unless otherwise stated, V = 15 V, ENBL≥ 2 V, R 1 = 100 kΩ fr ..
UMD9 N , Digital Transistor (Dual Digital Transistors for Inverter Drive)
UMD9 N TR , Digital Transistor (Dual Digital Transistors for Inverter Drive)
UMD9N , Digital Transistor (Dual Digital Transistors for Inverter Drive)
UMD9N , Digital Transistor (Dual Digital Transistors for Inverter Drive)
UMD9NTR , Digital Transistor (Dual Digital Transistors for Inverter Drive)
UMF17N , Power management (dual transistors)
High Side Smart Power Switch
FEATURES 300mA Continuous Output Current Low Side or High Side Switch
Configuration 8V to 65V Operation Overload and Short Circuit Protection Power Interruption Protection +6V Regulated Voltage 2mA Quiescent Current Programmable Overcurrent and
Power Interruption Protection 1% to 30% Programmable Input
Comparator Hysteresis (on UC37132) Low and High Side Internal High
Current Clamps When Driving
Inductive Loads
Smart Power Switch
DESCRIPTIONThe UC37131, UC37132 and UC37133 area family of smart power
switches which can drive resistiveor inductive loads from the high sideor
low side.
The UC37132is availablein 14 pin (DIP),16 pin (SOIC),or20 pin (CLCC)
packages and can accommodate both low side (loadto VCC) or high side
(loadto GND) configurations. The UC37131 and UC37133 are exclusively
fora low sideora high side configuration respectively and both are avail-
ableinan8 pin package. Both high side and low side configurations provide
high current switching with low saturation voltages which can drive resistive
or inductive loads.
The inputto the switchis drivenbya low voltage signal, typically 5V. Addi-
tionally, UC37132 features adjustable hysteresis. The outputof the device
can switcha load between 8V and 65V. Output current capabilityis 300mA
continuous or 700mA peak.
The device also has inherent smart features that allow for programmable
turn-on delayin enabling the output following startup. The same capacitor
that specifies the turn-on delayis also usedto programa VCC power inter-
ruption time.If VCC drops belowa thresholdfora time specifiedby this ca-
pacitor, the outputis turnedoff anda new turn-on delay willbe re-triggered.
Similarly,if high current persists longer than the response delay, the output
driver will operate in a very low duty cycle mode to protect the IC.