UC3525AN ,SMPS ControllerUC3525ASMPS Controller
UC3525AQ ,Regulating Pulse Width ModulatorsSupport &Product Order Tools &TechnicalCommunityFolder Now Documents SoftwareUC1525A,UC1527A,UC2525 ..
UC3525AQTR , Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
UC3525BDW ,Regulating Pulse Width ModulatorsMAXIMUM RATINGS RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS(Note 1)Supply Voltage, (+VIN) +40VCollector Suppl ..
UC3525BDWG4 ,Regulating Pulse Width Modulators 16-SOIC 0 to 70BLOCK DIAGRAMUDG-95055SLUS376 JULY 1995UC3527B Not Recommended For New DesignsUC1525B UC1527BUC2525 ..
UC3525BDWTR ,Regulating Pulse Width ModulatorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:Unless otherwise stated, these specifications apply for T = –55°C to +12 ..
UMA2N , Emitter common (dual digital transistors)
UMA2NTR , Built-In Biasing Resistors, R1 = R2 = 47kW.
UMA3N , 1General purpose transistors (dual transistors)
UMA3N , 1General purpose transistors (dual transistors)
UMA4N , PNP -100mA -50V Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors
UMA4N , PNP -100mA -50V Complex Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors
SMPS Controller
Features•5V ± 1% Reference Oscillator Sync terminal Internal Soft Start Deadtime Control Under-Voltage Lockout
DescriptionUC3525A is a monolithic integrated circuit that Included
all of the control circuit necessary for a pulse width modulat-
ing regulator. There are a voltage reference, an error ampli-
fier, a pulse width modulator, an oscillator, under-voltage
lockout, soft start circuit, and output drivers in the chip.