UC2714DG4 ,Complementary Switch FET Drivers 8-SOIC -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSUnless otherwise stated, V = 15 V, ENBL≥ 2 V, R 1 = 100 kΩ from T1 to GND ..
UC2714DPTR ,Complementary Switch FET DriversELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSUnless otherwise stated, V = 15 V, ENBL≥ 2 V, R 1 = 100 kΩ from T1 to GND ..
UC2714DTR ,Complementary Switch FET DriversELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSUnless otherwise stated, V = 15 V, ENBL≥ 2 V, R 1 = 100 kΩ from T1 to GND ..
UC2715D ,Complementary Switch FET Drivers with Auxiliary OutputFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThese two families of high speed drivers are• Single Input (PWM and TTL Compati ..
UC2715DP ,Complementary Switch FET Drivers with Auxiliary OutputBLOCK DIAGRAM2PWR50ns ±500nsTIMERINPUT 6SQT1 7RUC1714VREFONLY4 AUX50ns ±500nsTIMER1 VCCSQV5V LOGIC ..
UC2715DP ,Complementary Switch FET Drivers with Auxiliary OutputMAXIMUM RATINGSMIN MAX UNITAuxiliary Driver IOH continuous –100 mApeak –500 mAAuxiliary Driver IOL ..
ULN2803APG ,Darlington driverULN2803,04APG/AFWG TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic ULN2803APG, ULN2 ..
ULN2804 ,HIGH-VOLTAGE/ HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYSapplicationswith a current limitresistor; the ULN2802Ahas a 10.5kΩ inputresistorand zenerfor 14-25V ..
ULN2804A ,HIGH-VOLTAGE/ HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYSOrder this document by ULN2803/D* * * * * OCTAL PERIPHERALThe eight NPN Darlington connected tran ..
ULN2804A/ ,HIGH-VOLTAGE/ HIGH-CURRENT DARLINGTON ARRAYSOrder this document by ULN2803/D* * * * * OCTAL PERIPHERALThe eight NPN Darlington connected tran ..
ULN2804AFWG ,Darlington driverApplications include relay, hammer, lamp and display (LED) drivers.
Complementary Switch FET Drivers
50ns ±500ns
50ns ±500ns
UC1714, UC1715, UC2714
UC2715, UC3714, UC3715
www.ti.com SLUS170B –FEBRUARY 1999–REVISED MAY 2013
Complementary Switch FET Drivers
Checkfor Samples: UC1714, UC1715, UC2714, UC2715, UC3714, UC3715
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThese two families of high speed drivers are
• Single Input (PWM and TTL Compatible) designed to provide drive waveforms for
• High-Current Power FET Driver, 1-A Source complementary switches. Complementary switch
and 2-A Sink configurations are commonly usedin synchronous
Auxiliary Output FET Driver, 0.5-A Source and rectification circuits and active clamp/reset circuits,
which provide zero voltage switching. In order to
1-A Sinkfacilitate the soft switching transitions, independently
• Time Delays Between Power and Auxiliary programmable delays between the two output
Outputs Independently Programmable from50 waveforms are provided on these drivers. The delay
to 500-ns pins also have true-zero voltage-sensing capability
Time Delayor True Zero-Voltage Operation which allows immediate activation of the
Independently Configurable for Each Output corresponding switch when zero voltageis applied.
These devices requirea PWM-type inputto operate
• Switching Frequencyto1 MHz and interface with commonly available PWM
• Typical 50-ns Propagation Delays controllers.
ENBL Pin Activates 220-μA Sleep Mode In the UC1714 series, the AUX outputis invertedto
• Power Outputis Active-Lowin Sleep Mode allow drivinga p-channel MOSFET.In the UC1715
Synchronous Rectifier Driver series, the two outputs are configured ina true
complementary fashion.