UBA2025T ,CFL power ICFeaturesn Two internal 600 V, 3 Ω max NMOST half bridge powersn For steady state half bridge curren ..
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CFL power IC
General descriptionThe UBA2025 is a high voltage power IC intended to drive and control a Compact
Fluorescent Lamp (CFL).It containsa half bridge power circuit,an oscillator, anda control
circuit for starting up, preheating, ignition, lamp burning, and protection.
Features Two internal 600 V, 3 Ω max NMOST half bridge powers For steady state half bridge currents up to 280 mA For ignition half bridge currents up to 1.5A Adjustable preheat and ignition time Adjustable preheat current Adjustable lamp power Lamp temperature stress protection at higher mains voltages Capacitive mode protection Protection against too low a drive voltage for the power MOSFETs.
Applications 5 W to 25 W CFLs provided that the maximum junction temperature is not exceeded.
Ordering information
CFL power IC
Rev. 01 — 16 October 2009 Product data sheet
Table 1. Ordering informationUBA2025T SO16L plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 7.5 mm SOT162-1
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC Block diagram
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
6.2 Pin description
Table 2. Pin descriptionPGND 1 power ground
GLI 2 LS gate power MOSFET, must be connected to GLO
S1B 3 half bridge point, must be connected to S1A
S1A 4 half bridge point, must be connected to S1B 5 floating supply 6 IC supply
GLO 7 LS driver output, must be connected to GLI
GND 8 diepad ground
CPAV 9 preheat and averaging capacitor 10 current monitoring input
IREF 11 reference resistor
SGND 12 signal ground 13 oscillator capacitor
RHV 14 start-up/feed forward input 15 integrating capacitor
VDC 16 high voltage power input
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC Functional description
7.1 IntroductionThe IC is an integrated circuit for electronically ballasted compact fluorescent lamps and
its derivatives, up to a nominal mains voltage of 230V (RMS). It provides all the
necessary functions for proper preheat, ignition and on-state operation of the lamp.
Besides the control function, the IC provides the level shift and drive for the two internal
power MOSFETs.
7.2 Initial start-upInitial start-up is achieved by charging CS9 (see Figure 6) with the current applied to
pin RHV. The start-upof the circuitis such that (see Figure1) T2 shallbe conductive and
T1 shall be non-conductive, in order to make sure that CBOOT gets charged. This start-up
state is reached for a supply voltage Vrst, this is the voltage level at pin VS at which the
circuit will be reset to the initial state and maintained until the low voltage supply (VVS)
reaches a value of Vstartup.
7.3 Oscillation the low voltage supply (VVS) has reached the valueof Vstartup the circuit starts oscillating the preheat state. The internal oscillatorisa current-controlled circuit which generatesa
sawtooth waveform. The frequencyof the sawtoothis determinedby the capacitor CF and
the current out of pin CF (mainly set by RIREF). The sawtooth frequency is twice the
frequency of the signal across the load. The IC brings alternately the power MOSFETs and T2 into conduction with a duty cycle of approximately 50%. Figure 3 represents
the timingof the IC. The circuit block 'non-overlap' generatesa non-overlap timetno when and T2 are not conducting. This is dependent on the reference current.
7.4 Operation in preheat modeThe circuit starts oscillating at a frequency of approximately 2.5fbtm (108 kHz). The
frequency will gradually decrease until a defined value of the current through RSHUNT is
reached (see Figure 4). The slope of the decrease in frequency is determined by the
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power ICcapacitor connected to pin CI. The frequency during preheating will be approximately kHz. This frequency is well above the resonant frequency of the load, which means
that the lamp is off. The load consists of L2, C5 and the electrode resistance only
(see Figure 6). The preheat time is determined by the capacitor connected to pin CPAV.
The circuit can be locked in the preheat state by connecting pin CPAV to ground. During
preheating the circuit monitors the load current by measuring the voltage drop over
external resistor RSHUNT at the end of conduction of T2 with decision level Vshunt. The
frequency is decreased as long as VRS >Vshunt. The frequency is increased for
7.5 Ignition state
The RS current monitoring function changes from Vshunt regulation to capacitive mode
protection at the end of the preheat time. Normally this results in a further frequency
decrease down to the bottom frequency fbtm (approximately 43 kHz). The frequency
change per ms is lowered with respect to the frequency change in the preheat mode.
During the downward frequency sweep the circuit sweeps through the resonant frequency
of the load. A high voltage will then appear across the lamp. This voltage will normally
ignite the lamp.
7.6 Failure to ignite
Excessive current levels may occur when the lamp fails to ignite. The IC does not limit
these currents in any manner.
7.7 Transition to the burn state
Assuming that the lamp has ignited during the downward frequency sweep, the frequency
normally decreases to the bottom frequency. The IC can transit to the burn state in two
ways: In the event that the bottom frequency is not reached, the transition is made after
reaching the ignition time tign. As soon as the bottom frequency is reached.
The bottom frequency is determined by resistor RIREF and capacitor CF.
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC
7.8 Feed forward frequency
Above a defined voltage level at pin VDC the oscillation frequency also depends on the
supply voltage of the half bridge (see Figure 5). The current for the current controlled
oscillator is in this feed forward range and is derived from the current through RHV (this is
similar to pin RHV current). The feed forward frequency is proportional to the average
value of the current (within its operating range) through RHV. The feed forward frequency
is clamped for currents beyond the operating range (i.e. between 1.0 mA and 1.6 mA). In
order to prevent feed forward of the ripple on the input voltage on pin VDC, the ripple is
filtered out. The capacitor connectedto pin CPAVis usedfor this purpose. This pinis also
used in the preheat state and the ignition state for timing (tph and tign).
7.9 Capacitive mode
When the preheat mode is completed, the IC will protect the power circuit against losing
the zero voltage switching condition and getting too close to the capacitive mode of
operation. This is detected by monitoring the voltage across RSHUNT. If the voltage at
pin RS is below Vth(capm) the capacitive mode threshold voltage at the time of turn-on T2, then capacitive mode operation is assumed. Consequently, the frequency will be
increased as long as the capacitive mode is detected. The frequency decreases down to
the feed forward frequency if no capacitive mode is detected. Frequency modulation is
achieved via pin CI.
7.10 IC supply
Initially, the IC is supplied from the bus voltage VDC by the current through RHV. This
current charges the supply capacitor CS9 via an internal diode. As soon as VS exceeds
Vstartup, the circuit starts oscillating. After the preheat phase is finished, pin RHV is
connected to an internal resistor (RRHV); prior to this the pin is internally connected to
pin VS. The voltage level at pin RHV thus drops from (VS+ Vd) to a voltage equal to the
RHV pin current× RRHV. The capacitor CS9at pin VS will nowbe charged via the snubber
capacitor CS7. Excess charge is drained by an internal clamp that turns on at the clamp
voltage (Vclamp) on pin VS.
7.11 Minimum gate source voltage of T1 and T2
The high side driver is supplied via capacitor CBOOT. CBOOT is charged via the bootstrap
switch during the on-periods of T2. The IC stops oscillating at a voltage level Vstop. Given
a maximum charge consumption on the gate of T1 (G1) of 1 nC/V , this safeguards the
minimum drive voltages V(G1-S1) for the high side driver; seeT able3.
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC
The drive voltage at gate of T2 (G2) will exceed the drive voltage of the high side driver.
7.12 Frequency and change in frequency
At any point in time during oscillation, the circuit will operate between fbtm and fstart. Any
change in frequency will be gradual, no steps in frequency will occur. Changes in
frequency caused by a change in voltage at pin CI, show a rather constant df/dt over the
entire frequency range. The following rates are realised (at a frequency of 85 kHz and a
100 nF connected to pin CI): For any increase in frequency the df/dt will be between 15 kHz/ms and 37.5 kHz/ms During preheat and normal operation: the df/dtfora decreasein frequencyis between kHz/ms and −15 kHz/ms During the ignition phase: the df/dt for a decrease in frequency is between
−150 Hz/msand −375 Hz/ms.
7.13 Ground pins
Pin PGND and pin GND are the ground references of the IC with respect to the
application. Pin SGND provides a local ground reference for the components connected pins CPAV, CI, IREF and CF. Other external connectionsto pin SGND are not preferred.
The sum of currents flowing out of the pins CP AV, CI, IREF , CF and SGND must remain
zero at any time. Pin GND is internally connected to SGND.
7.14 Charge coupling
Due to parasitic capacitive coupling to the high voltage circuitry, all pins are exposed to a
repetitive charge injection. Given the typical application in figure 6, the pins IREF and CF
are sensitiveto this charge injection. For the rating Qcoupa safe functional operationof theis guaranteed, independentof the current level. Charge couplingat current levels below μA will not interfere with the accuracyof the Vth(capm) and Vshunt levels. Charge coupling
at current levels below 20 μA will not interfere with the accuracy of any parameter.
Table 3. Minimum gate voltages75 kHz 8 V (min.) kHz to 80 kHz 7 V (min.)85 kHz 6 V (min.)
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC Limiting values
[1] Equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 kΩ series resistor.
[2] Equivalent to discharging a 200 pF capacitor through a 0.75 μH coil and a 10 Ω resistor. Thermal characteristics
Table 4. Limiting values
Vi(VDC) input voltageonpin VDC operating - 556 V
during 0.5s - 600 V
VFS voltage on pin FS operating, with respect to S1A and S1B - 14 V
during 0.5 s, with respect to S1A and S1B - 17 V
Iclamp clamp current during 0.5s - 35 mA drain current on T1; pulsed; tp limited by Tj(max); T< Tj(max) - 1.5 A
on T2; pulsed; tp limited by Tj(max); T< Tj(max) - 1.5 A input voltage on pin RS; transient of 50ns −2.5 +2.5 V
on pin RS; operating normaly −1.5 +2.5 V slew rate pins S1A and S1B with respect to GND −4 +4 V/ns
Tamb ambient temperature −40 +150 °C junction temperature −40 +150 °C
Tstg storage temperature −55 +150 °C
Qcoup coupling charge at pins IREF and CF; normal operation −8+8 pC
VESD electrostatic discharge
human body model [1]
pins 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 - 3000 V
pin 4, 5, 6 - 1500 V
pin 7 - 1000 V
pin 2, 3, 16 - < 500 V
machine model [2]
pins 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - 250 V
pin 2 - 200 V
pin 7 - <125 V
Table 5. Thermal characteristics
Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from
junction to ambient
in free air; SO16L package 80 K/W
NXP Semiconductors UBA2025
CFL power IC
10. Characteristics
Table 6. Characteristics
Tamb =25 °C; voltage on pin VS=11 V; VFS− S1A and S1B voltage= 11 V, GLI and GLO voltage measured with respect to
PGND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified.
High voltage supply
Ileak leakage current high voltage pins - - 10 μA
Start-up state
Vrst reset voltage 4.0 5.5 6.5 V
Vstartup start-up voltage 11.35 11.95 12.55 V
Vstop stop voltage 9.55 10.15 10.75 V
Vhys hysteresis voltage 1.5 1.8 2.0 V
Istb standby current on pin VS [1] 150 200 250 μA
V(RHV-VS) voltage difference pin RHV
and pin VS
RHV pin current= 1.0 mA 0.7 0.8 1.0 V
ΔVclamp(startup) start-up clamp voltage
[2] 0.2 0.3 0.4 V
Iclamp clamp current VS pin voltage<17V - 14 35 mA
Preheat mode
fstart start frequency CI pin voltage =0V 98 108 118 kHz conduction time T1; T2; fstart= 108 kHz - 3.2 - μs
Ich charge current on pin CI; pinCI voltage=0V;
pin RS voltage= −0.3V 44 50 μA
on pin CPAV; pin CPAV voltage =1V - 6.0 - μA
Idch discharge current on pin CI; pinCI voltage=0V;
pin RS voltage= −0.9V 93 107 μA
on pin CPAV; pin CPAV voltage=1V - 5.95 - μA
tph preheat time 599 666 733 μs
ΔVM(CPAV) peak voltage difference on
pin CPAV
measured during preheat timing - 2.5 - V
Vctrl control voltage at pin RS [3] −636 −600 −564 mV
Frequency sweep to ignition
Ich charge current on pin CI; CI pin voltage = 1.5 V; f=85 kHz 0.8 1 1.2 μA
fbtm bottom frequency pin CI voltage at clamp level - 42.9 - kHz
tign ignition time - 625 - ms
Normal operation
fbtm bottom frequency Vctrl<1V 42.21 42.90 44.59 kHz conduction time for T1 and T2; fbtm=43 kHz - 10.2 - μs
tno non-overlap time 1.05 1.4 1.75 μs
Itot total current for supply; f=43 kHz - - 1.6 mA
Vctrl control voltage for capacitive mode control [4] 020 40 mV
Vref reference voltage [5] 2.425 2.5 2.575 V
Ron on-state resistance half bridge power - - 3 Ω