UBA2021P ,630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETUBA2021630 V driver IC for CFL and TLlampsProduct specification 2001 Ja ..
UBA2021P ,630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsGENERAL DESCRIPTION• Adjustable preheat and ignition time The UBA2021 is a high-voltage IC intended ..
UBA2021P ,630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsFeaturesn Adjustable preheat and ignition time.n Adjustable preheat current.n Adjustable lamp power ..
UBA2021P ,630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsGENERAL DESCRIPTION• Adjustable preheat and ignition time The UBA2021 is a high-voltage IC intended ..
UBA2021T ,630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETUBA2021630 V driver IC for CFL and TLlampsProduct specification 2001 Ja ..
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UG8BT ,ULTRAFAST EFFICIENT PLASTIC RECTIFIER18-Feb-02 1UG8AT-DT, UGF8AT-DT, UGB8AT-DTVishay Semiconductorsformerly General SemiconductorMaximum ..
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630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps
General descriptionThe UBA2021 is a high voltage IC intended to drive and control Compact Fluorescent
Lamps (CFL) or fluorescent TL lamps. It contains a driver circuit for an external
half-bridge, an oscillator and a control circuit for starting up, preheating, ignition, lamp
burning and protection.
Features Adjustable preheat and ignition time. Adjustable preheat current. Adjustable lamp power. Lamp power independent from mains voltage variations. Overpower protection. Lamp temperature stress protection at higher mains voltages. Capacitive mode protection. Protection against a drive voltage that is too low for the power MOSFETs.
Quick reference data
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps
Rev. 04 — 25 July 2008 Product data sheet
Table 1. Quick reference data
High voltage supplyVFS high side supply voltage IFS <15 μA; t < 0.5s - - 630 V
Start-up stateVVS(start) oscillator start voltage - 11.95 - V
VVS(stop) oscillator stop voltage - 10.15 - V
IVS(standby) standby current VVS = 11 V - 200 - μA
Preheat modefstart start frequency - 108 - kHz
tph preheat time CCP = 100 nF - 666 - ms
VRS(ctrl) control voltage at pin RS - −600 - mV
Frequency sweep to ignition bottom frequency - 42.9 - kHz
tign ignition time - 625 - ms
Normal operation bottom frequency - 42.9 - kHz
tno non-overlap time - 1.4 - μs
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps Ordering information Block diagramItot total supply current fB = 43 kHz - 1 - mA
high and low side on
resistance 126 - Ω
high and low side off
-75 - Ω
Feed-forwardfff feed-forward frequency IRHV = 0.75 mA - 63.6 - kHz
IRHV = 1.0 mA - 84.5 - kHz
Ii(RHV) operating range of input
current at pin RHV - 1000 μA
Table 1. Quick reference data
Table 2. Ordering informationUBA2021T SO14 plastic small outline package; 14 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT108-1
UBA2021P DIP14 plastic dual in-line package; 14 leads (300 mil) SOT27-1
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
6.2 Pin description Functional description
7.1 IntroductionThe UBA2021 is an integrated circuit for electronically ballasted compact fluorescent
lamps and their derivatives operating with mains voltages up to 240 V (RMS). It provides
all the necessary functions for preheat, ignition and on-state operation of the lamp. In
addition to the control function, the IC provides level shift and drive functions for the two
discrete power MOSFETs, T1 and T2 (see Figure 7).
Table 3. Pin description 1 high side floating supply voltage 2 gate high transistor (T1) 3 source high transistor (T1)
n.c. 4 high-voltage spacer, not to be connected 5 low voltage supply 6 gate low transistor (T2)
PGND 7 power ground 8 timing/averaging capacitor 9 current monitoring input
RREF 10 reference resistor
SGND 11 signal ground 12 oscillator capacitor
RHV 13 start-up resistor/feed-forward resistor 14 integrating capacitor
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps
7.2 Initial start-upInitial start-up is achieved by charging capacitor CS9 with the current applied to the
RHV-pin.At start-up, MOSFET T2 conducts andT1 does not conduct. This ensures Cboot
becomes charged. This start-up state is reached for a supply voltage of VVS(reset). This is
the voltage level on the VS-pin at which the circuit will be reset to its initial state and
maintained until the low voltage supply (VVS) reaches a value of VVS(start). The circuit is
reset to the start-up state.
7.3 OscillationWhen the low voltage supply (VVS) has reached the value of VVS(start) the circuit starts
oscillating in the preheat state. The internal oscillator is a current-controlled circuit which
generates a sawtooth waveform. The frequency of the sawtooth is determined by the
capacitor CCF and the current out of the CF-pin, mainly set by RRREF. The sawtooth
frequency is twice the frequency of the signal across the load. The IC brings MOSFETs
T1 and T2 alternately into conduction with a duty factor of approximately 50 %. Figure4
represents the timing of the IC. The circuit block 'non-overlap' generates a non-overlap
timetno that ensures conduction periodsof exclusively T1or T2. Timetnois dependenton
the reference current IRREF.
7.4 Operation in the preheat modeThe circuit starts oscillating at approximately 2.5 × fB (108 kHz). The frequency gradually
decreases untila defined valueof current Ishuntis reached (see Figure5). The slopeof the
decreasein frequencyis determinedby capacitor CCI. The frequency during preheatingis
approximately 90 kHz. This frequency is well above the resonant frequency of the load,
which means that the lamp is off, the load only consists of L2, C5 and the electrode
resistance. The preheat timeis determinedby capacitor CCP. The circuit canbe lockedin
the preheat state by connecting the CP-pin to ground. During preheating, the circuit
monitors the load current by measuring the voltage drop over external resistor Rshunt at
the end of
conduction of T2 with decision level VRS(ctrl). The frequency is decreased as long as
VRS >VRS(ctrl). The frequency is increased for VRS < VRS(ctrl).
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps
7.5 Ignition stateThe RS monitoring function changes from VRS(ctrl) regulation to capacitive mode
protection at the end of the preheat time. Normally this results in a further frequency
decrease down to the bottom frequency fB (approximately 43 kHz). The rate of change of
frequencyin the ignition stateis less than thatin the preheat mode. During the downward
frequency sweep the circuit sweeps through the resonant frequency of the load. A high
voltage then appears across the lamp. This voltage normally ignites the lamp.
7.6 Failure to igniteExcessive current levels may occur if the lamp fails to ignite. The IC does not limit these
currents in any way.
7.7 Transition to the burn stateAssuming that the lamp has ignited during the downward frequency sweep, the frequency
normally decreases to the bottom frequency. The IC can transit to the burn state in two
ways: In the event that the bottom frequency is not reached, transition is made after
reaching the ignition time tign. As soon as the bottom frequency is reached.
The bottom frequency is determined by RRREF and CCF.
7.8 Feed-forward frequencyDuring burn state a feed-forward mechanism ensures that the lamp power will not
increase above the maximum allowed value due to an increased mains voltage. In the
feed-forward range the UBA2021 driver IC can be configured in such a way that the
application is optimized for close to constant lamp power. Above a defined voltage level
the oscillation frequency also depends on the supply voltage of the half-bridge (see
Figure 6). The current for the current controlled oscillator is derived from the current
through RRHVin the feed-forward range. The feed-forward frequencyis proportionalto the
average value of the current through RRHV within the operating range of Ii(RHV), given the
lower limit setbyfB. For currents beyond the operating range (i.e. between 1.0 mA and 1.6
mA) the feed-forward frequency is clamped. In order to prevent feed-forward of ripple on
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsVin, the ripple is filtered out. The capacitor connected to the CP-pin is used for this
purpose. This pinis also usedin the preheat state and the ignition statefor timing (tph and
7.9 Capacitive mode protectionWhen the preheat mode is completed, the IC will protect the power circuit against losing
the zero voltage switching condition and getting too close to the capacitive mode of
operation. Thisis detectedby monitoring voltage VRSat the RS-pin.If the voltageis below
VRS(cap) at the time of turn-on of T2, the capacitive mode operation is assumed.
Consequently the frequency increases as long as the capacitive mode is detected. The
frequency decreases down to the feed-forward frequency if no capacitive mode is
detected. Frequency modulation is achieved via the CI-pin.
7.10 IC supplyInitially, the IC is supplied from Vin by the current through RRHV. This current charges the
supply capacitor CS9 via an internal diode. As soon as VVS exceeds VVS(start), the circuit
starts oscillating. After the preheat phase is finished, the pin is connected to an internal
resistor Ri(RHV), priorto this the RHV-pinis internally connectedto the VS-pin. The voltage
level at the RHV-pin thus drops from VVS + Vdiode to IRHV × Ri(RHV). The capacitor CS9 at
the VS-pin will now be charged via the snubber capacitor CS7. Excess charge is drained
by an internal clamp that turns on at voltage VVS(clamp).
7.11 Minimum gate-source voltage of T1 and T2The high side driver is supplied via capacitor Cboot. Capacitor Cboot is charged via the
bootstrap switch during the on periods of T2. The IC stops oscillating at a voltage level
VVS(stop). Given a maximum charge consumption on the load at the G1-pin of 1 nC/V, this
safeguards the minimum drive voltages V(G1-S1) for the high side driver, see Table1.
The drive voltage at G2 will exceed the drive voltage of the high side driver.
Table 4. Minimum gate-source voltages< 75 kHz 8 V (min)
75 kHz to 85 kHz 7 V (min) 85 kHz 6 V (min)
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps
7.12 Frequency and change in frequencyAt any point in time during oscillation, the circuit will operate between fB and fstart. Any
change in frequency will be gradual, no steps in frequency will occur. Changes in
frequency caused by a change in voltage at the CI-pin show a rather constant Δf/Δt over
the entire frequency range. The following rates are realized(ata frequencyof85 kHz and
with a 100 nF capacitor connected to the PCI-pin):
For any increase in frequency: Δf/Δt is between 15 kHz/ms and 37.5 kHz/ms.
During preheat and normal operation: Δf/Δt for a decrease in frequency is between kHz/ms and −15 kHz/ms.
During the ignition phase: Δf/Δt for a decrease in frequency is between
−150 Hz/ms and −375 Hz/ms.
7.13 Ground pinsThe PGND-pin is the ground reference of the IC with respect to the application. As an
exception the SGND-pin providesa local ground referencefor the components connected
to the CP-pin, CI-pin, RREF-pin and thee CF-pin. For this purpose the PGND-pin and
SGND-pin are short circuited internally. External connection of the PGND-pin and the
SGND-pin is not preferred. The sum of currents flowing out of the CP-pin, CI-pin,
RREF-pin, CF-pin and the SGND-pin must remain zero at all time.
7.14 Charge couplingDueto parasitic capacitive couplingto the high voltage circuitry,all pins are burdened with
a repetitive charge injection. Given the typical application in Figure 7, the RREF-pin and
the CF-pin are sensitive to this charge injection. For the rating Qcouple a safe functional
operation of the IC is guaranteed, independent of the current level. Charge coupling at
current levels below 50 mA will not interfere with the accuracy of the VRS(cap) and VRS(ctrl)
levels. Charge coupling at current levels below 20 mA will not interfere with the accuracy
of any parameter.
Limiting values
Table 5. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). All voltages referenced to
VFS high side floating supply
operating - 570 V≤ 0.5 s - 630 V
IVS(clamp) clamp current - 35 mA
VRS input voltage pin RS −2.5 +2.5 V
transient of 50 ns −15 +2.5 V slew rate at pins S1, G1
and FS (with respect to
ground) +4 V/ns power dissipation - 500 mW
Tamb ambient temperature −40 +150 °C junction temperature −40 +150 °C
NXP Semiconductors UBA2021
630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lamps[1] HBM: 2000 V, except pins FS, G1, S1 and VS which are 1000 V maximum and G2 which is 800 V
[2] MM: 250 V except for the G1-pin which is 100 V.
Thermal characteristics
10. CharacteristicsTstg storage temperature −55 +150 °C
Qcouple charge coupling at pins
operating −8+8 pC
Ves electrostatic handling
human body
[1] - 2000 V
machine model [2] - 250 V
Table 5. Limiting values …continuedIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). All voltages referenced to
Table 6. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction
to ambient
in free air
S014 100 K/W
DIP14 60 K/W
Rth(j-pin) thermal resistance from junction
to PCB
in free air
S014 50 K/W
DIP14 30 K/W
Table 7. CharacteristicsVVS = 11 V; VFS - VS1 = 11 V; Tamb = 25 °C; all voltages referenced to ground; unless otherwise specified. See Figure8.
High voltage supply leakage current on high
voltage pins
VFS,VG1and VS1= 630V - - 15 μA
Start-up stateVVS(reset) reset voltage T1 off; T2 on 4 5.5 6.5 V
VVS(start) oscillator start voltage 11.35 11.95 12.55 V
VVS(stop) oscillator stop voltage 9.55 10.15 10,75 V
VVS(hys) supply voltage hysteresis 1.5 1.8 2 V
IVS(standby) standby supply currentatpin
VVS = 11 V [1] 150 200 250 μA
ΔV(RHV-VS) voltage difference between
pins RHV and VS
IRHV = 1.0 mA 0.7 0.8 1 V
VVS(clamp-start) clamp margin VVS(clamp)to
[2] 0.2 0.3 0.4 V