UB2-3NU-L ,Super-compact size, Slim-package, Surface mounting typeDATA SHEETMINIATURE SIGNAL RELAYUA2/UB2 SERIESSuper-compact size, Slim-package, Surface mounting t ..
UBA2007TK/N2 ,UBA2007; Charge switch
UBA2014T ,600 V driver IC for HF fluorescent lamps
UBA2014T/N1 ,UBA2014; 600 V driver IC for HF fluorescent lamps
UBA2014T/N1 ,UBA2014; 600 V driver IC for HF fluorescent lamps
UBA2021P ,630 V driver IC for CFL and TL lampsINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETUBA2021630 V driver IC for CFL and TLlampsProduct specification 2001 Ja ..
UG10BCT ,ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY RECTIFIER25-Jun-03 1BYQ28E, BYQ28EF, BYQ28EB, UG10DCT, UGF10DCT, UGB10DCT SeriesVishay Semiconductorsformerl ..
UG10DCT ,Dual Ultrafast Soft Recovery Rectifiers Forward Current 10 A Reverse Recovery Time 20nsElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CParameter Symbol Value UnitMaximum ins ..
UG10GCT ,Dual Ultrafast Soft Recovery Rectifier, Reverse Recovery Time 35ns, Forward Current 10A, Reverse Voltage 300 to 400VBYT28, BYT28F, BYT28B, UG10GCT, UGF10GCT, UGB10GCTSeriesVishay Semiconductorsformerly General Semic ..
UG1104B , Single Color Ultra High Brightness Type
UG12JT ,Ultrafast Rectifiers, Forward Current 12A, Reverse Recovery Time 30ns Document Number 887582 30-Jul-02UG12JT, UGF12JT, UGB12JT SeriesVishay Semiconductorsformerly Gener ..
UG12JT ,Ultrafast Rectifiers, Forward Current 12A, Reverse Recovery Time 30nsThermal Characteristics (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol UG12 UGF12 UGB12 UnitTyp ..