U2400B ,Charging of Batteries with Automatic Pre-DischargeBlock diagramTELEFUNKEN SemiconductorsRev. A2, 21-Nov-961 (15)Rev. Al, 21-Nov-962 (15)TELEFUNKEN Se ..
U2400B ,Charging of Batteries with Automatic Pre-DischargeFeatures0 Three time selections:0.5 h, 1 h or 12 h with subsequent trickle chargeoperation0 Battery ..
U2402B , Fast Charge Controller for NiCd/NiMH Batteries
U2402B , Fast Charge Controller for NiCd/NiMH Batteries
U2402B. , Fast Charge Controller for NiCd/NiMH Batteries
U2403B ,Current source and smart timer for slow chargeFeatures Constant Charge Current 3 h - 24 h Charge Time Programmable Low-cost DC Regulator Over ..
UCC383T-3 ,3maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)Input voltage VIN . ..
UCC383T-5 ,3maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)Input voltage VIN . ..
UCC383T-5 ,3electrical characteristics T = 0°C to 70°C for the UCC383−x series, T = −40°C to 85°C for theA AUCC ..
UCC383T-ADJ ,3 SLUS ..
UCC383T-ADJ ,3electrical characteristics T = 0°C to 70°C for the UCC383−x series, T = −40°C to 85°C for theA AUCC ..
Charging of Batteries with Automatic Pre-Discharge
Charging of Batteries with Automatic Pre-Discharge
The monolithic integrated circuit, U2400B, is a bipolar
circuit, designed for automatic recharging of NiCd/
NiMH batteries. It has controlled and defined charging
q Three time selections:
0.5 h, 1 h or 12 h with subsequent trickle charge
q Battery temperature and contact monitoring
q Charging interrupt for overvoltage or excessive
q Automatic pre-discharge possible
Case: DIP16, SOl6L
characteristics for various charging sequences with
subsequent trickle charge operation. The long life -
Memory Effect - of the recharging cell remains intact.
er Separate charge- and discharge outputs
o Pulse-width modulation facility of charge- and
discharge current for matching to transformer or
battery data
q Timer clock via mains or internal oscillator
q Reference voltage source
0 LED-status output for mode indication
94 9375
8 14 16
0.5 Hz
1 1 . Open Ref
Mains supp ly Test Mains 1
on off . v="d . .
7 logic synchronization
Reference 0" ...'.-
Ir v v Charge
s3 200 Hz output 12
( Oscillator Charge
. 0.53 V
Control umt +
Start . f 6
- Discharge' - )
2 Jr PWM stop
- + 0 53 V
== Time + .
Status Discharge Reset Stop Jf -
Sensor 5
A v v k monitoring li-',
Ref 12 h f ef-ll'-
13 Charge \ 2 95 V
(z-- GND 1 h time 's 's', .
selection ll
Open 0.5 h Vmax 0.53 V
counter Jr + 4
Failure - charge mode
11 Continue Alternating Status contact monitoring
15 Ref charging red / green dis la
C > I s R d 0113me I‘Lilgv
Open charging indicator l\ 10 )
9 output
Figure 1. Block diagram
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
2 (15)
Figure 2.
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
ReV.A1, 21-Nov-96
+V s 94 9376
0.5 HZ
220 uF '=' C1
11 Open Ref
I Mains supply 1' Z
I on off 'l‘sst Mains
10 F C - ‘ ' '
P' 'T‘ 3 7 lOglC synchromzatlon
Reference 0/? ~
430 kg R1 7 v v Charge
200 Hz 0“th 17 R9 [] RU
‘ Oscillator Charge
15 nF c2 1/ 0.53 v
I Control unit
= Time
Status Discharge R6561 Stop
BI 11 Ref Ln 0ng
0—0-- >—> GND 1h time
B2 selection
I : __ Open 0.5 h
Failure 4 charge mode
open Battery
contact monitoring
H Continuc Altcrnating Status
15 Ref charging rcd/grcen
I Stop Red
Opfin charging indicator
R7 TLHR5400 TLHG5400 R6
NTC Sensor
R(ZS) = [0 k9
General Description, Figures 2 and 3
The integrated circuit, U2400B, supports specially the
controlled and defined charging of fast NiCd cells.
Varieties of charging time selections, i.e., standard charge
(12 h), quick charge (I h) or fast charge (0.5 h) are
Before the charging begins, cell is discharged completely.
In this way, the long life - Memory Effect - of the
recharging cell remains intact. Surveillance is taken over
by control unit for time, thermal and voltage during the
charging and switch-off when the specified capacity is
attained. When switched on, the red LED connected to the
display output (Pin 9) is activated. This is only the case
if no battery is connected. When a battery is inserted with
a minimum voltage of approximately 180 mV at Pin 4,
the pre-discharge phase is then started with a 2 seconds
delay. The discharge output at Pin 10 is activated. This is
indicated by the flashing red LED (see figure 5). The
discharge procedure is stopped with a voltage less than
530 mV (at Pin 6). The following charge phase (charge
output Pin 12 active) is indicated by the flashing green
LED (Pin 9).
After the programmed charging period (Pin 13: 0.5 or 1 h
continuous charge, or 12 h pulsed charge) the trickle
charge phase is reached (figure 4). This trickle charge
mode is indicated by the on-state of the green LED. This
means, the battery has stored the maximum possible
amount of energy. The outputs - display, discharge and
charge - will be set inactive (by temperature, over-
voltage). The timer clock is interrupted during the
inactive phase and in each mode when a limit value
(Pins 4 and 5) is exceeded.
no Battery yes
I Pin9: "o" l I Pin9: "open" I
Pin 9: Alternating
event counter
Pin 15 = VRef Event counter Pin 12: open no T' < 'l'max ?
Z< 2 ? Pin 9: open
Pin 10: open
Timer sto
p "Discharged" yes
Pin 9: "o" memory set ?
Discharge IO
. l Pian: open
Trickle charge Pin 9: "0"pulsed
. Pin ro "r"
Pin 12: "0"pulsed
l Pin IO: open Timer stop
Set "discharged"
Charge memory
Pin l2: "l" pulsed L
Pin 9: "r"pulsed V
Pin ro: open
Timer run 94 9377
Figure 3. Flow chart
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors 3 (15)
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
A two-stage event counter will be incremented with each
limit value violation. If the event counter stores two inter-
ruptions, subsequent behaviour is determined by the
programming at Pin 15:
q An open circuit at Pin 15 means that the charge mode
has to be cancelled after 2 limit value violation. This
is indicated by a flashing red display.
q If the ICs internal reference voltage (Pin 7) is
connected to Pin 15, only the display mode changes:
alternating red-green flashing. After the limit value
violation has elapsed, the IC attempts to make up for
the remaining charging period so that the maximum
possible residual capacity will be made available even
if a battery is already damaged.
Discharge 110
The timer clock for programmable charging period and
other internal clocks is obtained either from the internal
200 Hz oscillator, figure 6, or from the external mains
synchronization (figure 7). Figure 8 shows that an
external timer clock (via Pin 16) for deviating charging
periods is possible. In this case, the internal oscillator or
mains synchronization must be activated to clock the
control unit.
The negative input of a pulse-width modulator (PWM) is
connected to the ramp oscillator (Pin 3). Pin 2 provides
the positive input for this comparator (figure 9).
Charge -100
Charge 30 min/ 1 h
ch, l mA
-100 -l
L 100 ms
Charge 12 h
94 9378
Trickle charge
16.8 s 100 ms
Figure 4. Discharge, charge outputs
4 (15)
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
Rev. Al, 21-Nov-96
If a DC voltage in the range of 0.9 to 2.1 V is supplied to
comparator positive input (Pin 2), the discharge and
charge outputs are deactivated as, soon as the oscillatory,
saw-tooth voltage (Pin 3) exceeds the DC voltage at Pin 2
(figures 9, 10 and 11). This pulse-width modulation
effects the active discharge and charge output in each
mode - discharge, charge or trickle charge. This offers
the possibility of matching the r.m.s. current to various
battery capacities by means of a switchable voltage
Pin 14 must be connected to reference voltage Pin 7, if
the internal clock signals are derived from the mains
synchronization input Pin 1 with simultaneous pulse-
width modulation. The oscillator can then be used
deviating from 200 Hz.
As soon as a battery is removed, the red LED is active
(= no contact). A total pause of approximately 2 seconds
must be given between removing the charged battery and
inserting a new battery to inform the IC that the inserted
battery is to be charged.
19 10 - red
O - No battery contact
19 green green
(l, - Charge
L 800 ms I 200 ms
10 - d d Di h
re re lSC aroe
! 0 - tp
I 800 ms I L 200 ms
internal 7 i
I 19 0
9 09 TLHR 5400 -1() green Trickle charge
TLHG 5400 l mA
19 0 Stand _ by
10 -red Failure function I
0 -4 Failure with
charge stop
, m A 200 ms>1
19 Failure function 11
10 - red - Expired charge
0 time with
-10 green green interruption
200 ms
94 9379
Figure 5. Status display output
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
5 (15)
Clock generator
Timer clock can be realised either by the internal 200 Hz
oscillator or with mains sync. of 50 Hz. In addition to that,
an external timer clock input via Pin 16 (figure 8) is
200-Hz oscillator
Figure6 shows the typical circuit for 200 Hz
The dimensioning of the circuit is given below.
where f = mains frequency
oscillator. ch is meant for ripple smoothing of the A 0
mains supply. Z . 2 M Vsync = ' X Vsync(peak)
sync(min) - Isync 10 mA
CD +V S -.I
0.8 V - 0.8 V
D 1 Zsync(max) S Isync(min) - 30 WA
1:” i.e., CW = 0.15 uF; Rsync = 15 k9
= 430 kg R1 c) Exterhal timer clock input .
- For a fixed internal timmg (battery contact mom-
toring, flashing frequency red/ green), an
-) 3 oscillator frequency of 200 Hz is necessary.
15 HF - C, There is a possibility of mains synchronisation
via Pin 1. In case of mains synchronisation, the
'-f ) 11 oscillator must be separated from the clock logic
(Pin 14 connected to VRef).
949380 l
Figure 6. 200-Hz oscillator I
b) Mains synchronisation C - - ( 1,8
Mains synchronisation is shown in figure 7. I C
1) r I 1
1 I l 16
Csync l r - - - - ,
= BZX I Clock R1
83/C15 T l) generator
C - - 8 1 111111 3
Mains l C2
C I I 11
I .. D
3, I) for Vs > 15 V 949382
94 9381
Figure 8. External timer clock input, Pin 16 for different
Figure 7. Mains synchronisation charging times
6 (15) TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
ReV.A1, 21-Nov-96
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
There are two separate inputs to PWM comparator.
Positive lead is available at Pin 2, whereas negative lead
is connected directly to the oscillator as shown in figure 9.
A DC voltage in the range of 0.9 to 2.1 V at the compara-
tor input Pin 2, switches-off the charge and discharge
outputs, when the oscillator ramp voltage at Pin 3 has a
higher value than the applied voltage at Pin 2.
The PWM is operating independently of discharge,
charge or trickle mode. The effective current requirement
for the different battery types of same voltage can be
maintained by voltage ratio given below:
The recommended current range is 20 to 200 WA.
2 PWM Comparator
"'",i, 2 V
R12 - 1 V
i-l Oscillator
C2 R] l
H ' Veer int.
94 9383
Figure 9. PWM comparator input voltage circuit for different
cell capacities
In case the internal clock signal is generated via mains
synchronisation at Pin 1, then Pin 14 should be connected
to Pin 7. The oscillator circuit frequency at Pin 3 can be
selected now deviating from 200 Hz.
Figure 10 shows pulse diagram of PWM with respect to
discharge and charge output currents, whereas figure 11
represents its ratio respecting voltage at Pin 2.
Programming Inputs
Pin 14
The internal clock signal can be derived either from the
mains sync. circuit or from the autonomous oscillator.
Internal oscillator clock disconnection is achieved with
Pin 14 (figure 7).
Oscillator clock disconnected, when Pin 14 is connected
to Pin 7 (ref.).
Oscillator clock connected, when Pin 14 is grounded
(Pin ll) or open.
In case the oscillator clock is connected, it operates as a
timer clock.
VPWM Vews,
mA 1| J l. i-- m l_.
-100, - 100
Figure IO. Pulse sequence for PWM circuit of figure 9
: //''''
' o,,/''
20 ww'''''
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
95 9812 V2 ( V )
Figure ll. Duty cycle of PWM circuit of figure 9
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
7 (15)
Pin 15
There are two failure-function-possibilities.
Failure Function I hs = 0 or 0 to 0.8 V
When overvoltage and/or overtemperature occurs, trickle
charge starts.
Display mode: red blinking.
Failure F unction 11 V15 = 2.4 to 3.0 V
The display mode will be changed after two events.
Charging time will continue after each failure event.
Display mode: alternating red/ green flashing
Discharge Stop Comparator figure 12
Comparator turns-off the discharge process when
V6 S VT6, i.e., the specified discharge voltage of the cell
is attained.
The following realtaionship is valid:
Ra=R M-C..
5 VB-Va,
V comparator
94 9385
Figure 12. Comparator threshold dimensioning circuit
Tmax Comparator figure 13
The comparator interrupts the discharge and charge out-
puts when V4 l VT4max.
The following relationship is valid:
V T4max
When selectin the current flow for the voltage divider
(R4, R2), take care that the (1/180 of one hour charge)
does not discharge the battery.
Take care that the input stand-by current of the compa-
rator is less than one-tenth of divider current.
Recommended idle divider current Ir 20 WA.
V comparator
Figure 13. Vmax-cornparator circuit
94 9386
Temperature comparator figure 14
This comparator interrupts the discharge and charge out-
puts when Vs S VTSmin.
The following relationship is valid:
(RN-rc + R17)
RNTC is calculated at 45°C.
To avoid an overload of the internal reference source
voltage, idle current is recommended in the range of
20 WA to 2 mA.
T emperature
, Vijin
- I 94 9387
Figure 14. Temperature comparator
8 (15)
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
ReV.A1, 21-Nov-96
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Reference point Pin 11, unless otherwise specified
Parameters Symbol Value Unit
Current requirement Pin 8 Is 30 mA
" 10 us 150
Supply voltage Pin 8 Vs 26.5 V
Output voltages
Charge output Pin 12 V12 27 V
Discharge output Pin 10 V10 VS + 0.5 V
Display output Pin 9 V9 6 V
Synchronisation Pin 1
Vsync V1 Vsiz V
"clsync 11 10 mA
Input voltages: Pin 2 to 6 vi 6 V
Pin 14 to 16 6
Reference output current Pin 7 -1Ret 20 mA
Time selection voltage Pin 13 V13 3 V
Power dissipation Tamb = 45°C Plot 0.8 W
Tamb = 85°C 0.4
Storage temperature range Tstg - 40 to +125 "C
Ambient temperature range Tamb -10 to +85 "C
Thermal Resistance
Parameters Symbol Value Unit
Junction ambient
DIP16 120
SOl6L on PC board RthJA 180 K/W
S016L on ceramic 100
Electrical Characteristics
Vs = 5 V, Tamb = 25°C, reference point Pin ll, unless otherwise specif1ed
Parameters l Test Conditions / Pins l Symbol I Min. l Typ. l Max. I Unit
Current consumption without load Pin 8 Is 1.5 5.0 mA
Voltage range Pin 8 Vs 5.0 25.0 V
Voltage limitation Is = 10 mA Pin 8 VS 26.5 29.5
Reference voltage 17 = 0 to 5 mA Pin 7 VRef 2.82 3.0 3.18 V
Max. reference current Pin 7 -IRet 10 mA
Control outputs
Discharge current Pin 10 - 110 100 135 m A
Charge current Pin 12 +112 100 135
Saturation voltage
Charge output,112 = 100 mA Pin 12-11 V 0.8 2.5 V
Discharge output, 110 = -100 mA Pin 10-8 sat 0.8 2.5
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors 9 (15)
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
U2400B 'slmti?1,1,f,
Parameters Test Conditions /Pins 1 Symbol Min. Typ. l Max. I Unit
Oscillator Pin 3
Oscillator frequency C2 = Cosc = 15 nF
R1 = Rosc = 430 kg fosc 200 Hz
Low saw-tooth threshold VT3min 1.0 V
Upper saw-tooth threshold VT3max 2.0 V
Discharge stop Pin 6 Vos 525i5%
Overvoltage Pin 4 VT4max 5254c5% mV
Hysteresis Pin 4 Vhyst 15 mV
Battery contact monitoring Pin 4 VT4min 140 200 mV
Sensor temperature Pin 5 VTsmin 525i5% mV
Hysteresis Pin 5 Vhyst 15 mV
Open wire voltage Pin 5 VTSmax V7-0.25 Nh-0.02 V
PWM-Comparator input Pin 2 V2 0.9 3.0 V
voltage range
PWM-Comparator- Pin 2 V2 hyst 18 40 mV
Charge time Pin 13 = open t 30 min
f = 50 Hz (mains) or Pin 13 = ground 1 h
200 Hz (oscillator) Pin 13 = +3 V 12 h
Status output
Output current Pin 9 Ho 8 15 mA
Saturation voltage Pin 9-11 Vsat 0.5 V
Pin 9-7 -Vsat 0.5
10 ( 15) TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
ReV.A1, 21-Nov-96
Quick charge for NiCd-batteries with PWM method
Figure 15 describe the current regulations with PWM.
Mean value of the charge current for the battery which is
created across power transistor T2 is so dimensioned that
it is independent of supply and battery voltage. For the
purpose of regulation, load current is obtained via resistor
R20 = 0.2 2 whose voltage drop serves as actual value for
the operation amplifier. It is however recommended to
use PNP-differential input stage due to its relatively low
loss of power across the shunt resistance (P = 0.2 W, tii)
200 mV with l A charge current).
GND is the negative supply for operational amplifier
whereas the reference point for other components of the
IC is different i.e., positive shunt drop voltage. Current set
point is given across the voltage divider R15/P1 whereas
the actual value across R18 with a common point, the
resistance R20.
The output voltage of operational amplifier delivers the
voltage for PWM-control at Pin 2. Current regulation acts
only on charge current, whereas discharge current is spe-
cifled by R14.
Maximum and minimum voltage adjustment for variety
of cells (batteries) can be calculated with R4/R2 and
R5/R3 ratios.
FI 9388
0.5 hO
Mode Time Charge GND Discharge Status D:, BYT77
) U2400B Peak
Rn current
Sync PWM Osc Vmax Temp me VRef +Vs limitation
I-j-l Lj-l H Ics] Ld Lil bd Ld
Rr,h 2 _
R19 R4 R
1 R 17 R5
+ t R10 El NTC Sensor -
- l R(ZS) =10 k9 -
C C2 C4 C5 C3 Ch 's, B value =3474
7 - - ==, ==, BD441 l
Rrs I R2 R6 R3 R12
1 M.. - - - _ v . R20 0.2 Q
'trar', d 0
Charge current set point re f R7 Rs f green l GND
TLHR 5400 TLHG 5400
Rr--390kf2 R9,Rm=180Q C1,C7=100p.F
R2, Rs = see table 1, under figure 16 R12, R13, R15 = 10 k9 C2 = 15 nF
R4, R5, R16,Rl8, Rw--100kQ R17:1.5 k9 C3210 p.13
R5 = 30 k9 R20 = 0.2 Q C4, C5, C6 = 0.33 "
R7, R8 = 270 Q 131:le D2 =IN4148
Figure 15.
0 Charge current regulation
q Automatic pre-discharge
0 Charge time: 0.5 h, 1 h, 12 h
0 Temperature monitoring
q Status indication
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
R13 +12 V
'=,' BD442
Irs] 15 I141 13 12 Fr] 1101 Fl
Mode Time Charge GND Discharge Status IDs BYT77
1 U2400B Peak
Rn current
Sync PWM Osc Vmax Temp Vmin VRef +VS limitation
P1 R1 fl R4 T1 NTC Sensor -
Charge R(ZS) =10 k9 -_'
current C C B value =3474
set poi nt 2 4 B D441
' green
94 9389 TLHR54OO TLHG5400
Re390kQ R9,Rm-- 1809 C. =100 "
R2, R3=see table 1 R12,R13=10kQ C221511F
1L1,R5:100k§2 1217:1519 Cs--10WF
R6=30 k9 P1 = 10 k9 C4, C5=0.33 11F
R7, Rs = 270 Q
Figure 16.
q Automatic pre-discharge 0 Temperature monitoring
q Charge time 1 h er Status indication
Table 1. Resistances R2 and R3 dimensioning for figures 15 and 16
Cell Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
R2 47 k9. 18 k9. 10 kg 8.2 k9. 6.2 k9. 5.6 kg 4.7 k9.
R3 130 kg 39 kg 24 kg 15 kg 12 kg 10 kg 8.2 kg
12 (15)
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
ReV.A1, 21-Nov-96
VM = 230 V~
BZX83 / C24
ri),-, rj,-.-,:,-,
28/40 V/3.S A
Time Charge GND Discharge Status D3 BYT86
1 U2400B Peak
R11 current
Sync PWM Osc Vmax Temp Vmin VRef +Vs limitation
Llfl LLI Ltl Ll Ltl Ld LLI LBJ
P1 [] T1 NTC Sensor -
Charge 0% R05) =10 k Q _.-,
currept C2 C4 B value =3474
set p01 m BD647
94 9390 TLHR54OO TLHG5400
R1:510k§2 R9,R10=2.2kQ/O.5W C12470 WF
R2,Rs=seetable2 R12,R13=10k9 C2222 nF
R4,R5=100k£2 P1=10kQ C3=IOuF
R6--30kQ R14=220§2/1W cu, C5--0.33 p.17
R7,Rs--270Q R17=15k§2
Figure 17.
0 Charge voltage higher than IC supply Table 2. Resistances R2 and Rs dimensioning
. . R2 1.5 kg 1.0 kg
Pre discharge function R3 2.2 k!) 1.5 kg
0 Temperature monitoring
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors 13 (15)
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96
U2400B 'slmti?1,1,f,
Package Information
Package DIP16
Dimensions in mm
20.0 max 7.42
I 4.8 max
I-i-j, 6.4 max
0.5 mm 0.39 max
1.64 0.58 g 15
1.44 O.48 2.54 .
Alternative 17.78 I I
(','-_,/',), EH t'h WW EH HH KH ft t'h
's ,1 Erty
technical dmwin s
V V V V V V H) U 315534111313 b
Package SOI 6L
. ,- , . 10.5 9.25
Dimensions 1n mm 10.1 8.75
0.49 J l
0.35 1 27 -. 13:6
according to DIN
w H w w H l) l) w specifications
1 95 11493
14 ( 15) TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors
Rev.Al, 21-Nov-96
Ozone Depleting Substances Policy Statement
It is the policy of TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH to
Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.
. Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operating systems
with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on
the environment.
It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as
ozone depleting substances (ODSs ).
The Montreal Protocol (1987 ) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and
forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban
on these substances.
TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH semiconductor division has been able to use its policy of
continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.
Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively
. Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA
Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.
TEMIC can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain
such substances.
We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice.
Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer
application by the customer. Should the buyer use TEMIC products for any unintended or unauthorized
application, the buyer shall indemnify TEMIC against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of,
directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or
unauthorized use.
TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, Germany
Telephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423
TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors 15 (15)
Rev. A2, 21-Nov-96