U247BG ,To drive LED-displays with 5 or 10 diodesFeatures:. Wide supply voltage range . Eligible between:l 5 LED's line with linear scale division w ..
U2480B , Automotive Lamp Outage Monitor
U2481B , Automotive Lamp Outage Monitor
U2481B , Automotive Lamp Outage Monitor
U2481B , Automotive Lamp Outage Monitor
U2510B ,All-band AM/FM receiver and audio amplifierU2510BAll-Band AM/FM Receiver and Audio AmplifierDescriptionThe U2510B is an integrated bipolar one ..
UCC383TDTR-3 ,3 SLUS ..
UCC384-ADJ ,Low Dropout (LDO) 0.5A Negative Linear Regulatorelectrical characteristics T = 0°C to 70°C for the UCC384 and –40°C to 85°C for the UCC284,AVIN = V ..
UCC384DP-12 ,12maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)‡Input voltage range , ..
UCC384DP-12 ,12UCC284–5, UCC284–12, UCC284–ADJ, UCC384–5, UCC384–12, UCC384–ADJLOW-DROPOUT 0.5-A NEGATIVE LINEAR R ..
UCC384DP-5 ,12electrical characteristics T = 0°C to 70°C for the UCC384 and –40°C to 85°C for the UCC284,AVIN = V ..
UCC384DP-5 ,12maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
To drive LED-displays with 5 or 10 diodes
[Eirki T _ - _ _ - - '""*_“.:. _v*
i ITEFEFUNKEN irixcreoidi:" inc I) :1 3230095 nnnunas B-EJALGG
c., _ -..." v ' _ -." u 237 BG . u 247 BG i
""im"5e,t2,'eg,to''i" u 257 BG . U 267 BG i
Monolithic Integrated Circuits
Appiicatlon: To drive LED-dispiays with ti or 10 diodes
Features: .
lt Wide supply voltage range 0 Eligible between:
ED 5 LED's line with linear scale division with
o Hlgh L "Te'? u 237 BG or u 247 BG
o Low power dissipation due to. series 5 LED's line with logarithmic scale division with
connection Of LED's U 257 36 or U 267 86
0 Different colour LED's can be connected to LED's line with linear scale division with -
arbitrary _ U 237 BG and U 247 BG
. 10 LE D's line with logarith mic scale division with
o lo peripheral components are necessary U 257 BG and 267 BG
0 High Input resistance
.' v- ' k - " V 1 m
.9 ....: b\m' w‘ltflmwvvw.»
duct «:1»
I ' 24 " O T
Fig.1 Block diagram LED scale IC 1
T1.2/1310.0386 E1 d
_ ... . _ ." _ ,.t u .' . J
0 36 1, ti-o 9 tf , 227 l,
__-. - V .. _ :. . . _ u..._V_.‘;. .._A -_._ u n... ..,.»¢..H.‘. ~....._..,..... _- _ -
U 237 BG ' U 247 BG
U 257 BG . U 267 BG
irik 1) El 6%l00'% iiirifiii"'iii' SUDALGG
Absolute maximum ratings
Supply voltage
Input voltage
Input current
Output current, maximum
Output reverse voitage
Power dissipation
Time = 60'C
Ambient temperature range
Vs = 25 V
Vs " 18 V
Storage temperature range
Junction temperature
Thermal resistance
Junction ambient
Optical and eIectrlcal characteristics
Vs '= 16V, Emu = 2iPC, Reference point: Ground
‘. ".1.“ '7
Total currem (Incl. LED current)
Supply voltage
Step tolerance
Switching threshold hysteresis
Input current
Output saturation voltage
u, = 20 mA
Output current
0.5 mA
690 mW g
-1o...+ao °c ii.
-1o...+as °c g
-15...+125 °c l
150 "C l
Mln. 1yp. Max, - g
130 W il'
25 " mA
12 25 It
d:30 mV
mm. ‘fiu'a-s. aMugaL-M m-la...‘-m 3n wamww' m’ a. m...“ . ~L- ‘5. ...-.w. .-.. @2an «51.» a'u-‘uuu-h-z: w, ..
- ..-..." - ”.-....m..." -r-_r'-.eei.Prr'b-. ....
Mt=-t-tl_========tl=, --
iii qtt _"._'s'
'Eggfyflgm IEEECT'RODIIC 31c 1) 1:1 Beanies 06011027 o/ [ZIALGG
_ U237 BG.U247 BG 'i'
U257BG-U267BG _
CltrMtdtsstrtptlon A Cr': 531,3 :97 i
The kys are driving circuits for a ti or 10 LED L, display having an Integrated current generator whose
current is qdjusted to 20 mA
nght emitting diodes are connected In series In order to reduce power dissipation and to have the same
current flow to the supply in every operating condition, Fig. 2
For red LED’s (Le. TLSR 61001 the supply voltage is 12 V whereas In case of green or yellow diodes
(Le. TLSY 6100, TLSG 6100) the voltage is 16 v.
The Input thresholds are'.
U237 80: 0.2V, 0.4V, o.sv, 0.8V, 1.0V l -.
u 247 as: 0.1 v, o.av, 0.5V, 0.7V, 0.9V i
U 257 Bat '0.18VI-15 dB, 0,6 Vl-6 dB, 0.84 Vl-1.5 dB, 1.19V/+ 1.5 dB, 2.0Vl+6 dB i3
U 267 86: 0.1 V/-20 dB, 0,3 Vl-1O dB, 0.71 w-a dB, 1,0 vm dB, 1,41 Vl+3 dB i.
If a voltage greate'r than the ftrstthmshold but less than the second threshold is applied one LED is lighted, i:
1f the input voltage is between the second and the third threshold, then two LED's are in operation and 1
so on. 7
Flg. 2 shows the circuit diagram of a bar display with 5 LED's. 3
By choosing a parallel connection of the inputs of an U 237 M and an U 247 BG it Is possible to get a li','
10 LED bar display with thresholds 0.1 V, 0.2V. 0.3...1.0V. 31
By choosing a parallel Connection of the Inputs of an U 257 BG and an U 267 BG It Is possible to get a if
10 LED bar display with thresholds: .-20 dB, -15 dB, .-10 dB...+ 6 dB. l
1 Fig, 3 shows the circuit diagram of a bar display with 10 LED's. j
1 Vs v. a 5 2 2 94 e j
l Applications: - to = 20 mA ,
1 “-13;
- . os 04 E
8 7 6 , 1
u 237BG,U247BG, _.;
U 257BG,U267BG "i',
dt . 4"
1 2 3 4 ,
Js 01.34 02.33 oadtt 01 3f
1 wp'" A IV A IV / M------"--- "j'
- ''' / / ' r,l
Fla. 2 Bar display with 5 LED's i
. ...:w. 4-,,
0366 --- ti-SI - 229
u -- . . . . _ . - ...... H ... r-.. ",_.' t ....u..A.,-..4-. .... ...... .-.,_...~.._‘
h' L (rLI' ., .. _. “M...“w ",r"T''""""
U237 BG. U247 BG . ,,___m_._.__, i
U257 BG'U267 BG (Citfiirrion j
m , F m h .
U24TBG,U267BG [ik, U23rBG,U267Bt1
[i] a lil 6;: O4 t Ltl lit) 1.,11 . I" "m
, 951%
v55 ';
Fig.3 Bardisplaywitht0LED's A "ans. _
Io.” "
51 Ut 51 m tt m AF-Ampumr
dun. m:io,L’a‘-’.'s.mi'm
Va . " V " m churning buck“ unlor
u auo . r.'-
-Io-20mA .‘i
05 04 04 2
a s _',
U237 BG tt 267 BG §
£052: :04 302 93 0: 02 .31 ”0501:0430: "''a il, ID: .31 i
Al?. Al" 1t
nun 5400/ uuvuoo Lf C,C, di,'L, /TLUG 5400 U“. 'ko,,, Cs'), do“ AL,; "2“" l
10054 IV Boxto,av eosémsv 405nm amséqav It
Fig.4 Liquidleveldisplaywithlinear Fig, 5 LogatithmicAF recordingleveldisplay il,
reslsta nce pickup . with ti LED's l
-. - .- .7 _ f n .. i',
230 _ 0367 E-12 " ‘E
“u... .._ ~... ..- ..5 2‘ . - . _...',r._..v..u. - ----vpis----"---"'-'" w~.,...~...... .M _
El - u" M... -__.-. w- i _.' V. w - 1.-. -r-w-"
U237BG. U247BG ii
U257 18?_: U267 Il?, g
Iioas,,, - - _... h -..
mm mm mun tttot" Ar-Amplmar
u 267 as -mazz oa u 257 86
If 2 a LE Zx-sda m: Ltl Ed 4
oun. Lt or
Dex +1.5 dB
nah! 09
tf was
--/” " 24.0.
Fig. 6 1sotysrithmieAF tecordlng level display with 10 LED's
. , ,. -, . ' .u..,1 ~ MluJ
‘ -b.LH.-J«;;._'vdx AMWL-‘Mvmumfiwizu -'-5'-‘39-“£"*“W‘
orid .. 2-13
.m—W.fiy~&u~ . m;
" "Fr“-..vnvu. " "err-rv-e-re'. . _ -"-'"-""''""T""-r ,.....=. q-..'-.
U 237 BG . U 247 BG
U 257 BG . U 267 BG
'ielijllitlil.jturt _
~70. El m "o" 21m " "
o,, \ -.. -T
$m ''ae mmmm
031% o u 237 86
Mgt It 247 Ba
mag y L21 LaJ I
tN 4148
" tttt B -to- 20 mA -to" 20 mA ao "
DI]: \
an£m ticrnrnrnrh
"" ll 247 " tha u 237 86 Itt4
0 7 'xh -o
t 2 [TIT] ou 'e L'Jb2.ILad. 4
Its m tru, t
917: t
" "" '
"_-----.. mu. -. - -
’Rgdflirm. Mmuum..' w A .-
‘ “M«-m’hi4u~...u-4 um um .:
_‘ ,._ . w _ :me .-..4...n.. m.u.ww..n.-
.- quvu w". m—w." .
m _/l_l._.._.a._o.._,.c_r_l, 7 f . _ _ _-, -. _ l
U237BG-U247BG g
U257BG-U267BG é
Dlmenslonsln mm IT .. sa-t , .07
" - 425 13.25 -
" - u 'cc; l" u *1
I I I ".tt
I I I >0.5 I
f sthLS. 3
lal tMata" 50.5.5 " _ I I
2.64m: 159:» R6 _ - r .
Plastlc case
Weight max. 1 g
c .Jvau .-
, .;:£r'y&iiaa.v '~"
.5.»- J‘wn ~ : '
:KEJfifl-h‘u ‘ ='-
..‘. .3..a.?m'u...»..w mm; ., ' ,' 31 "I I ; .. _. 1.;
oiiti '.-.t ir-cot" 233