TYN606RG ,6A standard SCRsFeaturesASymbol Value UnitI 6AT(RMS)GKV /V 600 and 1000 VDRM RRMI 15 mAGTADESCRIPTIONKThe TYN606 an ..
TYN608 ,8A SCRSapplications such as overvoltage crowbarprotection, motor control circuits in power toolsand kitche ..
TYN610 ,10A SCRSFEATURESn High surge capabilityGn High on-state currentKn High stability and reliabilityDESCRIPTION ..
TYN610RG ,10A SCRS®TYN210 ---> TYN1010SCRA
TYN610RG ,10A SCRS®TYN210 ---> TYN1010SCRA
UCC2805N ,Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWMBlock Diagram... 114 Revision HistoryChanges from Revision D (August 2010) to Revision E Page• Adde ..
UCC2805PW ,Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWMElectrical Characteristics....... 713.4 Electrostatic Discharge Caution. 368.6 Typical Characterist ..
UCC2805PWG4 ,Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM 8-TSSOP -40 to 85 SLUS270E–MARCH 1999–REVISED JUNE 20165 Description (continued)The UCCx80x family offers a variety ..
UCC2805QDREP ,Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWMfeaturesof internal full-cycle soft start and internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense i ..
UCC2805QDRQ1 ,Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWMfeaturesof internal full-cycle soft start and internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense i ..
UCC2806 ,Low Power, Dual Output, Current Mode PWM Controller
6A standard SCRs
Table 1: Main Features
TYN606 and TYN1006 family of SiliconControlled Rectifiers are high performance glass
passivated technology.
This general purpose Family of Silicon Controlled
Rectifiers is designed for power supply up to
400Hz on resistive or inductive load.
REV. 2February 2006
Table 2: Order Codes
Table 3: Absolute Ratings (limiting values)
TYN606 / TYN1006
Tables 4: Electrical Characteristics (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)
Table 5: Thermal Resistance
Figure 1: Maximum average power dissipation
versus average on-state current
Figure 2: Correlation between maximum
average power dissipation and maximum
allowable temperature (Tamb and Tlead)
TYN606 / TYN10063/6
Figure 3: Average on-state current versus case
Figure 4: Relative variation of thermal
impedance versus pulse duration
Figure 5: Relative variation of gate trigger
current versus junction temperature
Figure 6: Surge peak on-state current versus
number of cycles
Figure 7: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state
current for a sinusoidal pulse with width<10 ms, and corresponding values of I²t
Figure 8: On-state characteristics (maximum
TYN606 / TYN1006
Figure 9: Ordering Information Scheme
Table 6: Product Selector
Figure 10: TO-220AB Package Mechanical DataIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK® packages. These
packages have a Lead-free second level interconnect . The category of second level interconnect is
marked on the package and on the inner box label, in compliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The
maximum ratings related to soldering conditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an
ST trademark. ECOPACK specifications are available at: .
TYN606 / TYN10065/6
Table 7: Ordering Information
Table 8: Revision History
TYN606 / TYN1006. consequences
of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted
by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject
to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not
authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.
The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.
All other names are the property of their respective owners
© 2006 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved
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