TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerApplicationsThe TW2834 has four high quality NTSC/PAL video decoders, dualAnalogQuad\MuxSecuritySys ..
TW2834 ,4 Channel Video QUAD/MUX ControllerapplicationsuchasPseudo8ChannelorDualpageFourbuilt-inmotiondetectorswith16X12cellsHorizontal/Vertic ..
TW2835-PA1-GE , 4 Channel Video and Audio Controller For Security Applications
TW2866 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec plus Video Encoder for Security Applicationsapplications. The device includes four high quality NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoders that convert anal ..
TW2867 ,4-Channel Video Decoder and Audio Codec for Security ApplicationsApplications*Pin to pin compatible with TW2866Video Decoder– Accepts all NTSC(M/4.43) / PAL(B/D/G/H ..
UC3854BDW ,Enhanced High Power Factor PreregulatorSLUS329E–MONTH 2003–REVISED JANUARY 2008These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The lea ..
UC3854BDWG4 ,Enhanced High Power Factor Preregulatorfeatures like the amplifier output clamps, improved amplifiercurrent sinking capability, and low of ..
UC3854BDWG4 ,Enhanced High Power Factor PreregulatorBLOCK DIAGRAMVAO MOUT CAO PKLMT REF7 5 3 2 9VCC7.5 V REF(A) 16 V / 10 VRUN(B) 10.5 V / 10 V10ENA7.1 ..
UC3854BDWTR ,Enhanced High Power Factor PreregulatorSLUS329E–MONTH 2003–REVISED JANUARY 2008
UC3854BDWTRG4 ,Enhanced High Power Factor Preregulator 16-SOIC 0 to 70maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
UC3854BN ,Enhanced High Power Factor PreregulatorSLUS329E–MONTH 2003–REVISED JANUARY 2008RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSover operating free-air tem ..